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Albanian Parliament and One Albania Telecom Hit by Cyber Attacks

The Assembly of the Republic of Albania and telecom company One Albania have been targeted by cyber attacks, the country’s National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber Security (AKCESK) revealed this week. “These infrastructures, under the legislation in force, are not currently classified as critical or important information infrastructure,” AKCESK said. One Albania, which has […]

DailyStormer comes back with Albanian domain; gets booted off

DailyStormer, the neo-nazi and racist website is having a difficult time finding domain on the regular web. For the third time in a month, the website has been booted off from the web due to its indecent and racist content. In the latest, DailyStormer made a comeback through the Albanian domain provider ( about three days ago, but […]

South Yorkshire (UK) Police Websites Hacked

Hackers took over two South Yorkshire police websites and replaced home pages with one of their own — Reason behind the attack remains unknown! A group of Albanian hackers have hacked and defaced two official websites of South Yorkshire Police earlier today. The Hackers left a deface page along with a text and video message bragging about […]