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Amass – Subdomain Enumeration Tool

Amass is the subdomain enumeration tool with the greatest number of disparate data sources that performs analysis of the resolved names in order to deliver the largest number of quality results. Amass performs scraping of data sources, recursive brute forcing, crawling of web archives, permuting and altering of names, reverse DNS sweeping, and machine learning […]

Firebase Exploiting Tool – Exploiting Misconfigured Firebase Databases

Exploiting vulnerable/misconfigured Firebase databases Prerequisites Non-standard python modules: dnsdumpster bs4 requests Installation If the following commands run successfully, you are ready to use the script: git clone cd firebase pip install -r requirements.txt Usage python3 [-h] [–dnsdumpster] [-d /path/to/file.htm] [-o results.json] [-l /path/to/file] [-c 100] [-p 4] Arguments: -h Show the help message […]