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Syrian Electronic Army Targets Facebook, Google, Yahoo via MarkMonitor Hack

The hardcore supporter of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad and the online hacktavist Syrian Electronic Army has made an attempt to hack a number of high profile websites-including Yahoo, Amazon, Facebook and Google-by hacking into the domain management service provider MarkMonitor. It seems as if MarkMonitor was able to block Syrian hackers from causing huge […]

Hacker in US hacks consumer drones for personal use [Video added]

A hacker from United States has managed to devise method to Hijack or take control of Consumer drones. This will enable the hacker to control the flights of these drones and use them for personal use. A hacker with the name Samy Kamkar has pointed out certain security holes in AR.Drone which has been manufactured […]

Apple vs Google vs Facebook vs Amazon

Apple, google, facebook and Amazon have now become technology giants and their war for grabbing the highest market share is getting fierce with each passing day. All these brands, though, might not have identical products, but they all somehow have some relation in their products. Amazon and Google are one of the closest competitors among […]

How to Install Kindle Fire’s Silk Browser on Android [Tutorial]

Last year when it was war like atmosphere between Apple and Android regarding the former’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 were among most of the breaking news, Amazon survived through the news with the tablet  “Kindle Fire” which evolved as a third power in the universe of tablet computing. Kindle Fire runs on Android, so what in the […]