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Android Adware

CopyCat Malware Infects 14 Million Android Smartphones, Steals Sensitive Information

Short Bytes: The Check Point security researchers have published the details of a massive malware campaign that infected Android smartphones. Called CopyCat, this malware was able to infect about 14 million devices and root 8 million of them. The malware was spread via phishing and third-party app stores which hosted malicious versions of popular apps. […]

Google Kicks Chamois Android Adware off the Play Store

Following an internal audit, Google engineers say they’d discovered a new massive ad-fraud botnet that was infecting users via Android apps hosted on the official Play Store. Named Chamois, Google says this botnet bombarded users with popup ads, boosted app statistics by installing other applications behind the user’s back, and subscribed users to premium services […]

Kemoge Android Adware Campaign Can Lead to Device Takeover

Google has been busy removing a number of apps from Google Play that are disguised as popular selections that are actually pushing what starts out as adware but eventually turns more malicious. Google has already yanked down a file-transfer app called ShareIt, developed by Zhang Long of China, who was posting benign versions of his […]