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Anonymous hackers

University of Zurich Hacked, 3200 Officials Accounts’ Leaked by @Ag3nt47

A hacker going with the handle of Ag3nt47 on Twitter has breached in to the official website of University of Zurich ( and as a result login details of over 3200 staff official have been leaked online. The hack was announced by the hacker on his official Twitter account in which he claims to have found SQL vulnerability […]

Anonymous Hackers Defaces Their Own Websites for CISPA Blackout

Anonymous Hackers Defaces Their Own Website for Cispa Blackout We have witnessed how Anonymous hackers attack government websites against its policies, but witnessing Anonymous hacking their own website is something new to experience. Yes, Anonymous hackers have defaced their own websites for Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) Blackout, protesting against the law in the United States which would […]

Websites of Prime Minister of Tanzania and Ministry of Finance Hacked by LulzPirate

Hacker going with the handle of LulzPirate has hacked and defaced the official website of Prime Minister office of Tanzania ( with 13 of its high profile departmental sub-domains. Hacker left his deface page along with a simple note on all hacked 14 websites “Hacked by Lulzpirate” but not explaining any reason for attacking the Tanzanian Prime Minister office websites. […]

Argentinian Military Website Defaced, Emails and Passwords of Officials Leaked by ANON_0x03

An Anonymous hacker going with the handle of ANON_0x03 has hacked, defaced and breached the official website of Argentinian Military dealing with the infantry division (). Hacker announced the hack on his twitter account, that shows database along with emails and passwords of military officials have been  on the deface page of the website, which is now displaying on the homepage. The deface […]

Westboro Baptist Church’s Official Facebook Page Hacked by Anonymous

Remember #OpWestBoro where Anonymous hackers had hacked and taken over the official website of Westboro Baptist Church? Well Online hackavists have once again attacked the Westboro Baptist Church, this time they have managed to hack and takeover the official Facebook page of Westboro Baptist Church. The page was hacked yesterday, where contents have been replaced with a combination of images, comments and […]

Berrien County Website Hacked by Anonymous

Hackers claiming to be a part of Anonymous group had hacked the official website of Berrien County, Michigan ( yesterday. Hackers left a deface page along with a message on the targeted website, according to which: “Hello visitors!” the message read in part. “We are Anonymous X-SecT V3.0, some basement skidz pretending to be l33t haxorz! We [expletive […]

MTV Taiwan Hacked & Defaced, 500,000+ User Accounts Leaked by Turkish Ajan Hacker Group

The members of Turkish Ajan Hacker Group Maxney & xXM3HM3TXx have hacked and defaced the official website of MTV ( Taiwan; as a result 500,000 accounts of site’s users have also been leaked online. I was contacted by the hackers via Twitter and explained that reason for hacking site was to raise the voice of innocent people of Palestine under Israeli […]

Brazilian Air Force Hospital Website Hacked and Defaced

The official website of the Aeronautics Hospital of Recife (, which is part of Brazil’s Air Force, was hacked and defaced by Algerian hacker H3ll-dz, claiming to be a member of LulzSec Philippines. Softpedia reports that hacker explained the reason for attacking Brazilian air force site was a part of OpBrazil lunched by Anonymous and LulzSec […]

More 20 Chinese Government Websites Hacked by Anon Charaf of Anonymous Algeria

Anon Charaf of Anonymous Algeria has hacked and defaced more 20 Chinese government websites 30 private owned websites, making the count to 200+ including his previous hacks this month. The hacker left his deface page along with a message against another hacking group, according to the message “Hacked by Anon Charaf, Anonymous Algeria.. Special Fuck Goes to : AnonyNoobs […]

906 Chinese and 700 other Websites Hacked by Charaf Anons of Anonymous Algeria

#OpIsrael is at its peak as Charaf Anons of Anonymous Algeria adds more spice to it by hacking more 1600 websites from all over the world, where almost 906 websites are belong to China. Some are private, some are educational and some government owned. Hacker who contacted me on Twitter explained that reason for hacking the sites is […]

Matthew Keys Was An Undercover Journalist, Attorney Says

Matthew Keys who is the deputy social media editor of Reuters has been recently charged for being involved in an anon attack on a website which was conducted by Anonymous hacker’s group. The connection of Matthews with the website is that it belongs to his former employer and his attorneys briefed out that he communicated […]

Reuters Journalist @TheMatthewKeys Accused Of Conspiring With Anonymous Hackers, Hacking L.A. Times

MatthewKeys, a social media editor at Thomson Reuters Corporation has been accused of allegedly conspiring in the hacking and helping Anonymous hackers with login details  of his former employer the Tribune Company, owner of the Chicago Tribune, the LA Times and other news outlets. Matthew Keys, of Secaucus, N.J., was working with Tribune Broadcasting as a web producer before going freelance few months ago […]

Anonymous Hackers Leak Financial Records of US Vice President Joe Biden, Jay-Z, Beyoncé other High Profile Figures

Anonymous Hackers have published personal financial records of some high profile celebrities, musicians and politician like US Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Eric Holder, Kim Kardashian, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Paris Hilton, Ashton Kutcher, Mel Gibson,  Robert Mueller (FBI Director), Hillary Clinton and LAPD Chief Charlie Beck. TMZ, reports that  contains sensitive information of all above mentioned celebrities such as financial details,  social security numbers, mortgage amounts, […]

126 Russian Websites Hacked by SiR Abdou in support of Palestine

A hacker going with the handle of SiR Abdou has hacked and defaced 126 Russian websites in support of Palestine. SiR Abdou, who contacted me via Twitter, explained that reason to hack these sites is to register his protest against Israeli occupation of Palestine. The hacker left his deface page along with a message on […]

#OpWilders: ABC News Website Hacked, Personal Details of 50,000 Users Exposed

The hackers have attacked the official website of Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Australia’s national public broadcaster, as a result personal details of almost 50,000 users have been exposed online for #OpWilders. The attack was actually a breach into the server of ABC website which allowed hacker to gain access of personal details of user’s data stored in the server.  […]

More 587 Websites Hacked by AnonGhost

The online hackavist AnonGhost has came up with a new hack of his where total 587 websites from all over world have been hacked and defaced.  The hacker contacted me via email told that among 587 sites, 187 Serbian based while other 500 belongs to different countries around the world.  The hacked sites are left […]

#OpIsrael: Anonymous Hacks Israeli portal Walla, leaks 583,000 Emails & Passwords

An Anonymous hacker going with the handle of AnonSabre late last week leaked more then 583,000 credentials (email addresses and passwords) from the Israeli Web portal Walla. Israel’s one of the top most popular site, providing users with email services, news and searches.  TNW reports that the hack was done for #OpIsrael in which hacker leaked the data on […]

#OpLastResort: Anonymous Hacks Government Site, Leaks 4,000 Bank Executives Credentials

The online hackavist group Anonymous have claimed to hack the official website of Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center and appear to post login credentials of 4000 bank executives for #OpLastResort, demanding reforms in country’s cyber crime law. The hacked was announced by the hackers on their official Twitter account, leaked data contains details of bank executives such as names, ranks, […]

#OpBerlusconi: Anonymous to attack Italian Government against corruption

Online hackavist group Anonymous have decided to go against Italian government owned websites against the ongoing corruption inside the country. In a video message posted by AnonOpsIT, it was announced that Anonymous will attack the government of Italy, thanks to Berlusconi, country’s ex-prime minister for his alleged corruption. Citizens of the world, This is an urgent emercengy alert […]