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Apple Music

6 Best Music Streaming Apps For Android And iOS (2019 Edition)

When it comes to music, some of us are pop fans, someone’s heart beats for EDM, and some bang their heads to metal. But among all the devices we have, most of us listen to music on our phones. So, let’s talk about the best music apps that can cater to the needs of music […]

Apple Splits iTunes: Launches Separate Apps For Podcast, Music, And TV

The rumors indicating that Apple is getting rid of iTunes have officially come true as Apple has announced separate apps for Podcast, Music, and TV at its ongoing WWDC 2019 keynote. The three dedicated apps will be available from macOS 10.15 (Catalina) onwards. Apple has finally killed iTunes after 18 years and it seems like […]

Apple Is Pushing Notifications For 1 Month Free Apple Music Subscription

If you are an aspiring Apple Music subscriber, here is some news! Apple is notifying users of a month’s free Apple Music subscription, which can be gifted to non-Apple Music users. To promote Apple Music, the company is sending push notifications, clicking which will take users to a page from where referrals can be sent to non-Apple Music users. The referrals will […]

8 Best Music Streaming Services In India For “Desi” Audiophiles | 2018 Edition

Initially, the music streaming services in India wooed users by allowing them to listen to songs for free. Ad-fueled revenue models helped them survive piracy-driven market till the time people got used to the concept of online music streaming. Later, they introduced premium plans for users who are comfortable in paying money to remove advertisements […]