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Apple open source

Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish WON’T Ship With Android Integration

Earlier this year in May, we reported regarding Canonical’s interest in shipping Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish with inbuilt Android integration. In the latest development, as it turns out, it’s not going to happen. As per a report by OMGUbuntu, the Ubuntu developers aren’t satisfied with the current state of GSconnect GNOME Shell extension. For those […]

Apple Open Sources iOS And macOS Kernel Source Code For ARM Chips

After each major release, Apple is known to share the macOS kernel code. Apple releases a small bit of Darwin code every year, probably, because it’s based on tons of open source technologies. iOS mobile operating system is also built on the macOS foundation, and they share the common Unix-based Darwin core code. Even though you could […]

Apple Releases Open Source Darwin Code For macOS 10.12 Sierra

Short Bytes: Apple has released the open source Darwin code for macOS 10.12 Sierra. Darwin is an open source operating system that forms the core of Apple’s family of operating systems. Keeping up with its past track record of publishing open source code, Apple has released the Darwin code for macOS 10.12 Sierra. For those who don’t […]