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APT Framework

APTSimulator – Toolset to Simulate APT Attack

APT Simulator is a Windows Batch script that uses a set of tools and output files to make a system look as if it was compromised. In contrast to other adversary simulation tools, APT Simulator is designed to make the application as simple as possible. You don’t need to run a web server, database or […]

Sophisticated ‘TajMahal APT Framework’ Remained Undetected for 5 Years

Cybersecurity researchers yesterday unveiled the existence of a highly sophisticated spyware framework that has been in operation for at least last 5 years—but remained undetected until recently. Dubbed TajMahal by researchers at Kaspersky Lab, the APT framework is a high-tech modular-based malware toolkit that not only supports a vast number of malicious plugins for distinct […]