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Amazon Wants More Power, Designs Faster ARM-Based Server Chip

A big share of Amazon’s success is contributed by its cloud services, known as Amazon Web Services (AWS). But the e-commerce giant has to make constant efforts to stay in the game when there are robust competitors like Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. Moving along the similar lines, Amazon is working on a new server […]

Flare-Emu – Emulation features for the x86, x86_64, ARM, ARM64

  flare-emu marries IDA Pro’s binary analysis capabilities with Unicorn’s emulation framework to provide the user with an easy to use and flexible interface for scripting emulation tasks. It is designed to handle all the housekeeping of setting up a flexible and robust emulator for its supported architectures so that you can focus on solving […]

Rock Pi 4 With M.2 Extender: ARM CPU + NVMe Drive Performance Reviewed

The RK3399 SoC has been used in a huge variety of devices. From Chromebooks to SBCs, routers, TV boxes, and even the upcoming Pinebook Pro. With its six cores, gigabit ethernet, USB 3.0, and PCIe support, it’s clearly an SBC powerhouse in the ARM world. I’ve often wondered what kind of benefit was actually gained […]

Qualcomm Could Bring “Snapdragon 7cx” For Cheaper Windows 10 ARM Laptops

Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon 8cx is already making the rounds for delivering a performance on par with an 8th Gen Intel Core i5 chip on PCMark 10. As you might know, the chip is designed to power the newer breed of devices called Always-Connected PCs, running Windows 10 on ARM. These Snapdragon-powered PCs come fitted with […]

Snapdragon 8cx Beats Intel Core i5 8th Gen In Real-World Benchmarking Tests

It now seems that the Snapdragon chips have started to perform at par with Intel’s powerful chips. Last year, at the Snapdragon event, Qualcomm announced the ARM-based Snapdragon 8cx 7nm chip designed for Windows 10 laptops. Later, the company came up with the 5G version of Snapdragon 8cx in February. Now, at the Computex 2019, […]

Amazon, Apple, Google & Microsoft issue patches to fix ZombieLoad bug

Computers containing Intel chips from 2011 onwards are vulnerable to ZombieLoad bug. Intel processor chips have lately been accused of being flawed and unreliable in ensuring optimal computer performance and the current news further reinforces the fact that Intel needs to up its game and make its processor chips secure for users. According to security […]

Intel CPU Exploit Zombieload Uses Hyperthreading To Steal Data

The latest Intel CPU exploit termed Zombieload is a speculative execution side-channel attack. It uses Intel Hyperthreading to execute a Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS) attack which targets buffers in CPU microarchitecture. According to a report, Intel CPUs made since 2008 are all susceptible to this attack. The latest 8th and 9th gen Intel CPUs are […]

Intel 10th Gen Comet Lake CPU Specs Leaked

Specification of the upcoming Intel 10th Gen Comet Lake CPU has been leaked on a Chinese Website. The latest CPUs will only offer a minor refresh of the current Whiskey Lake and Coffee Lake architectures. The CPU will mark the first time when Intel would be forced to use 5-digit numbering for its CPU models. […]

CPU Comparison: X86 vs ARM — Will Intel i9 9900K Stay Atop?

CPU comparison between Intel and ARM has been a topic since 2010 when Steve Jobs predicted the future of Apple with ARM. It was not long ago when Intel Atom used to be a thing. The processor started its journey on some smartphones but ended up receiving no proper app support. Intel processors were overshadowed […]

Red Hat And Fedora Working To Bring Linux-powered ARM Laptops

In late 2017, Microsoft launched Windows 10 on ARM to let users run its operating system on the ARM processor-powered laptops, especially the ones powered by Snapdragon chips. The company also released a bunch of devices in partnership with OEMs like Asus, HP, and Lenovo, and marketed them as “Always Connected Devices.” Earlier this year, […]

Run Linux On Windows 10 ARM Laptops With This Open Source Project

Back in December 2017, Microsoft launched Windows 10 On ARM — a new operating system designed to run Windows 10 on laptops powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chips. While the computers designed for this version of Windows have failed to make an impact on the market, they’ve surely attracted the attention of the open source community. Just […]

ShellcodeToAssembly – Transform your Shellcode to Assembly (ARM, ARM64, MIPS, PPC, X86)

Transform your Shellcode to Assembly (ARM, ARM64, MIPS, PPC, X86) Replace in with your shellcode. shellcode = ” Installation git clone && cd ShellcodeToAssembly/ && pip install -r requirements.txt && python2 Modules manual installation pip install -r requirements.txt it can be pip2 install -r requirements.txt Usage python2 [returnbit] [architecture] For example python2 […]

Hijacker v1.4 – All-in-One Wi-Fi Cracking Tools for Android

Hijacker is a Graphical User Interface for the penetration testing tools Aircrack-ng, Airodump-ng, MDK3 and Reaver. It offers a simple and easy UI to use these tools without typing commands in a console and copy&pasting MAC addresses. This application requires an ARM android device with a wireless adapter that supports Monitor Mode. A few android […]

Apple Open Sources iOS And macOS Kernel Source Code For ARM Chips

After each major release, Apple is known to share the macOS kernel code. Apple releases a small bit of Darwin code every year, probably, because it’s based on tons of open source technologies. iOS mobile operating system is also built on the macOS foundation, and they share the common Unix-based Darwin core code. Even though you could […]

Made For Linux, ‘Teres I’ Open Source Laptop Will Test Your DIY Skills

Short Bytes: If you’re planning to some DIY stuff in the coming future. Then you might want to take a look at the Teres I created by Olimex. It is a small-sized DIY laptop built using open source hardware. It features a quad-core ARM processor and it is capable of running Linux operating system. Teres […]

DRAMMER: Rowhammer Attack Comes To Android, Can Root Millions Of Android Devices

Short Bytes: A team of researchers at VUSec Lab has successfully demonstrated Drammer attack which is an implementation of the Rowhammer attack for ARM-based devices. The attack has the potential to root millions of Android devices from renowned brands like Samsung, LG, Motorola, OnePlus, Xiaomi, etc. The Rowhammer attack has been there for a while […]


When it was released 20 years ago, the Sega Saturn was by far the most powerful video game console available. It was a revolutionary device, had incredible (for the time) graphics, and a huge library of IP Sega could draw from. The Saturn was quickly overshadowed by the Sony Playstation, and soon these devices found […]

Arduino Comes To Raspberry Pi And Other Linux ARM Devices

Short Bytes: The Arduino project has finally released Arduino IDE for Raspberry and other single-board ARM computers. Combining Raspberry Pi with Arduino is a recipe for great electronics projects and fun-filled DIYing.  If you’re into electronics DIY stuff, you’ve probably worked with Raspberry Pi and Arduino. While they could be used to solve similar problems at […]