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artificial intelligence

How Data Analytics and AI Solve the Toughest Global Problems

Can technologies combining data analytics and artificial intelligence save the world from its growing problems? Yes, it is possible! Data has an essential place in the structure of the modern world. Every day, Internet users generate a massive amount of data by creating and sharing posts and making search queries. However, this is only a […]

How to Develop Complex Marketing Operations with “No Code” Tools

“No Code” tools can be an online marketer’s secret weapon. They can help marketers carry out complex marketing operations, and without having to learn code or hire a coding professional.  Marketing, especially for online businesses or for the digital sides of brick-and-mortar businesses, can be a complex and costly effort. This is especially true since […]

Fields of application of artificial intelligence

At present, it is difficult to find a field of work for people in which different mechanisms and machines are not used that facilitate human labor. Probably, soon the number of such units will increase significantly, and they will be used almost everywhere. And above all, hopes for a qualitative leap in their development are […]

5 Ways AI Will Revolutionize Cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to change nearly every facet of online and offline life, from how we interact with friends and family to the way we do business and protect our identity online. As more of our life becomes digital, AI will need to be leveraged by both individuals and companies to a far greater […]

8 tips to protect company data sent via home internet connections

The U.S. is on track to break the single-year data breach record in 2021, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC). That’s not even the whole story. For every high-profile data breach you hear about in the news, dozens of lower-profile attacks occur. These smaller breaches might not compromise millions of records at a […]

Development of Corporate Applications Based on Artificial Intelligence

Technologies based on Artificial intelligence can be used in corporate management since the indisputable advantage of these technologies is the ability to analyze large amounts of data without significant resource costs. The ability to use AI technologies is especially relevant when the control object and its external environment contain complex processes and factors that significantly […]

How Artificial intelligence (AI) Stops Cybercriminals

Newer AI algorithms are extremely good at analyzing data traffic, access, and transfer, as well as detecting outliers or anomalies in data trends. Below are some of the ways AI can prevent and mitigate the damage caused by cybercrime.  The world faces an unprecedented threat in modern cybercrime. Sophisticated, globally-dispersed actors who are increasingly hard […]

‘Optical Adversarial Attack’ uses low-cost projector to trick AI

Last year, we covered a research report which found out how projectors could be used to display virtual objects and fool self-driving cars. In the latest, we have another piece of research that deals with strikingly similar details but incorporating the trickery of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a whole. Discovered by researchers Abhiram Gnanasambandam, Alex […]

How Internet can get smarter by combining AI and ML

Slowly but surely, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an intrinsic part of our lives, whether we’re using it for business purposes, online dating, and so on. AI has been through many changes in recent years, and it will become even more prevalent and useful for us all shortly. ML (Machine Learning), on the other hand, […]

Workers With Bachelor’s Degree Tend To Lose Jobs To AI 5 Times Over

A new report by Brookings Institution has debunked the notion that blue-collar jobs like fast food preparation, machine operation will be most affected due to AI. The report concludes that highly-educated and high paying jobs will face the worst brunt of artificial intelligence as opposed to the previously established notion. The study is conducted by […]

Go World Champion Retires After Realizing He Can’t Beat AI

Go is one of the most complex abstract strategy games which involves surrounding more territory than your opponent to win the game. Lee Sedol is the world champion of the Go game and has bagged #2 position in international titles. In March 2016, Lee Sedol competed against Google’s AI-based AlphaGo program and lost four out […]

Researchers develop AI tool to evade Internet censorship

The research particularly names India, China, and Kazakhstan for using Internet censorship as a tool to curb freedom of expression and how the new AI tool can help people in these countries to evade censorship. Internet censorship, basically, is a very effective strategy used by dictatorial governments to limit access to information available online for […]

AI Leaps into Banking: When to know You Can Trust It

Banking is readily recognized as one of the main sectors undergoing significant transformation with the advent of AI (Artificial Intelligence). With deep pockets, the industry has the resources to put serious money into machine learning in every area from stock trading to customer service to mobile banking. Dispelling fear But there’s a real issue when […]

What Is The True Score of AI VS Malware?

We admit here in, we are one of the cybersecurity news organizations that somewhat hyped Artificial Intelligence (AI) when it comes to cybersecurity. We wrote numerous articles heralding the “hero” that will save us from the seemingly endless cat and mouse race between discovering a vulnerability that is currently exploited, and the time the […]

Deepfake AI: Researchers Have Finally Found A ‘Good’ Way To Use It

Deepfakes have gained a lot of negative attention recently. Be it the hugely criticized DeepNude AI app which removes clothing from pictures of women or the FakeApp that swaps the faces of celebrities with porn stars in videos. But the AI technology behind deepfakes and deepnudes isn’t entirely evil. Deep-learning algorithms are excellent at detecting […]

Top 10 AI Jobs And Highest Salaries In 2019 [According To Indeed]

Every year, the job search site Indeed publishes a report based on trends and data analysis of the top AI jobs and highest salaries in the tech industry. As per the 2019 report, there is an overall slowdown in growth — if you consider 29% growth a slowdown. The number of artificial intelligence job listings […]

AI Techs Of Facebook, Microsoft, And Google Prefer “Rich People”: Research

Object recognition is a computer vision (CV) technique using which computers can recognize objects, such as items in our common households. Now many companies have developed their own systems which are becoming better over time. The closest object recognition tech you can find is right on your phone, Google Lens. Facebook uses the technique to […]

How to become a better writer with Wordeep using artificial intelligence

Wordeep uses Artificial Intelligence to improve what you write. Writing may seem to be an easy task to overcome, but it is definitely not for the faint-hearted. No one can even master writing overnight, and it may take someone years to master it. You also have to consider the fact that writers tend to have […]

The Usual Arguments In Favor Of AI In The Enterprise

The Internet, newspapers, television, etc. are showing so much excitement that there is no day when we do not see or hear the word “artificial intelligence (AI)“. Under such circumstances, companies have announced products and services that claim artificial intelligence (AI) one after another, and if they can not take a delay, they introduce artificial […]

PetSwap: Deepfake-Like AI That Turns Your Pet Into Any Other Animal

Nvidia has developed a new algorithm similar to deepfakes which can face-swap your pet’s cute face into different animal species or altogether a monstrous version of themselves. The PetSwap project runs on the Few-shot UNsupervised Image-to-image Translation (FUNIT) algorithm. It is an image translation AI algorithm that uses a framework built on generative adversarial networks […]

Microsoft Introduces The World’s First AI-Generated Whiskey

Artificial intelligence is helping the world by assisting in all sorts of problems from reading minds to appearing as a witness in law trials. Now, AI is creating perfect whiskey blends for us. Microsoft has partnered with a 20-year-old Swedish distillery named Mackmyra and Fourkind, a Finnish technology consultancy — to bring forth the world’s first AI-created […]