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Deloitte Cyber Attack can Affect High-Profile Blue-Chip Clients

Major professional services firm Deloitte has been targeted by a cyber security attack and reports say that the attack could have led to the breach of the confidential emails and plans of some of the blue-chip clients of the company. As per reports, Deloitte came to know of this breach a few months earlier, but […]

Phishing campaigns target airline consumers seeking business credentials

A series of phishing campaigns is targeting airline consumers with messages crafted to trick victims into handing over personal or business credentials. A wave string of phishing campaigns is targeting airline consumers with messages crafted to trick victims into handing over personal or business credentials. The phishing messages pretend to be sent from a travel agency […]

Google Announces First-Ever SHA1 Collision Attack

The SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) cryptographic hash function is now officially dead and useless, after Google announced today the first ever successful collision attack. SHA1 is a cryptographic hash function used generate hashes for digital data, hashes that, in theory, should be unique for each data blob, and used to sign and attest to […]

Russian Police Arrested Hackers Suspected of Central Bank Attack

Multiple suspects arrested, bank official reveals. Hackers managed to breach the Russian central bank and steal millions of dollars, but a bank official revealed today that several suspects were arrested shortly after the attack, without providing any information on their identity. Reuters writes that Artyom Sychyov, deputy head of the Bank of Russia’s security department, […]

Ransomware is lucrative: Attacker’s profits near $100 million

Hackers are increasingly targeting healthcare institutions with malware because of their poor cyber-security posture, reliance on legacy IT systems, third-party services and the need to access information as soon as possible in order to deliver great patient care. These are the conclusions released in a new report entitled McAfee Labs Threats Report: September 2016. It […]

Researchers Hack Their Way into Punkey PoS Malware Backend

Criminals infected over 200 US businesses with PunkeyPOS. Security researchers from PandaLabs have hacked their way into the administration panel of the PunkeyPOS point-of-sale malware and have discovered an ongoing campaign targeting stores in the US. PunkeyPOS, or Punkey, is point-of-sale malware that first appeared in April 2015 from an older version of the NewPoSThings PoS […]

Laika BOSS: Lockheed Open Sources Secret Cyber Threat Detection Weapon

Short Bytes: Lockheed Martin has decided to open source its secret cyber threat detection tool Laika BOSS at the Black Hat Conference in Las Vegas. FossBytes has always warned you about the levels to which the hackers and cyber attackers have reached. In the recent Black Hat Conference at Las Vegas, it has been brought […]