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Forever 21 Reveals Potential Data Breach

Forever 21 is investigating a potential data breach which may have compromised customer information and payment cards. On Tuesday, the US clothing retailer said that the company recently received a tip from a third-party that there “may have been unauthorized access to data from payment cards” at a number of Forever 21 outlets. Forever 21 […]

Send Your Nude Pics to Facebook to Prevent Revenge Porn

Revenge porn is quite easy to spread on social media, and there seems to be no definite way to stop this trend. However, according to the team behind Facebook, there is one way to stop revenge porn, which is to make your nude pictures public yourself. In this regard, the social network has already developed […]

Sensitive Data of Australian Navy’s Vessels and Fighter Jets stolen

Australian defense programs have been compromised, and hackers have managed to steal nearly 30GB of Sensitive Data, stated Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), the national cybersecurity agency. The data was subject to the US government’s International Traffic in Arms Regulations rules, and it got stolen because of hacking of tool used by a defense subcontractor. This […]

World’s largest child porn site was run by police for undercover op

Dark web is home to explicit and illegal content including child pornography sites which are often in the news once they get busted. But then there are platforms run by police or security agencies, for example, notorious website Playpen which was run by the FBI for an undercover operation. However, now it turns out that Australian police ran […]

Yes! Wanna Cry Ransomware Attack Is Still Alive And Infecting Again

Another victim was spotted recently in Deniers Australia when the Victoria police confirmed that Wanna cry Ransomware attack injured a total of 55 cameras at red lights and radars in Victoria via a private Redflex camera operator. Malicious files and secure reviews required a ransom in exchange (and Wanna cry ransomware usually charge $ 300 […]

WannaCry Ransomware Hits Traffic Cameras in Australia

Just days after infecting the cyber infrastructure of Honda Automobile giant in Japan the WannaCry ransomware attack has now infected 55 traffic cameras in Victoria, Australia. In a statement released by the Victorian Department of Justice, cameras installed on highways and intersections across the state have been infected by the malware. When it comes to fixing the problem […]

Australian Pedophile Arrested as Philippine Cybersex Ring Busted

The people of Philippines are known as one of the most hard working nations at home and overseas. However, the country is suffering from poverty and unemployment. The easy way to earn money for some is to step into the cyber-sex industry and nationals of countries like Australia, United Kingdom, and the United States are taking […]

ThePirateBay and Four Other Websites to be Blocked in Australia

Australian internet providers have been ordered by the Federal Court to block The Pirate Bay and four other websites on grounds of copyright infringement. The ruling was announced in the afternoon today and with this Australia received its first ever, successful site-blocking case. Read: is now Internet companies have received 15 days deadline to completely […]

Using a Single Warrant FBI hacked 8000 Computers in 120 Countries

The FBI hacked into more than 8,000 computer systems in 120 specific international locations with only a single warrant for the duration of an research into a dark net infant pornography website, according to a newly posted courtroom filings. This FBI’s mass hacking campaign is related to the high-profile baby pornography Playpen case and represents the […]

Red Cross Data Leak; Personal Data of 550,000 Blood Donors Stolen

Australia Blood Donors data has been stolen — It is Australia’s largest security breach ever. Lately, the International Red Cross has been surrounded by controversy but in the latest, the organization has suffered a massive leak in which personal details of 550,000 blood donors in Australia have been stolen. The organization has acknowledged the hack […]

DCNS submarine document leak exposes Indian naval secrets

French naval contractor DCNS said on Wednesday it may have been the victim of “economic warfare” after secrets about its Scorpene submarines being built in India were leaked. India opened an investigation after The Australian newspaper published documents relating to the submarine’s combat capabilities, raising concerns over another major contract with Australia. The leak contains […]

Kid who DDoSed Aussie bank, cyber crime unit walks free

An Australia teen who was behind a series of powerful DDoS attacks on banking, government, and school servers will not face any charges whatsoever. The 15-year-old boy who’s name was kept hidden targeted Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, and his own school servers in February 2016 because he was bored and it […]

Aussie Police’ Child Porn Investigation Leads to Hacking of 30+ US TOR User

Australian Police’s Child Porn Investigation Leads to Hacking of 30+ U.S. TOR User Accounts We have heard the police coming up with unconventional strategies and risky methods to capture criminals. However, what Australia’s Queensland Police Service cops have done is completely novel and unheard of. According to the news, Aussie cops not only tracked the […]

Newly Found Malware can steal bank details on Android phones

ESET security researchers have discovered an Android malware targeting banking customers in Australia — The malware also bypasses the two-factor authentication system Four of Australia’s largest banks customers are being targeted by a sophisticated Android attack which has so far managed to remove two-factor authentication system and can steal banking details. The four big banks involved […]

Sydney Data Center Targeted By FinFisher Spyware

In 2013, the Australian government was accused of spying on Indonesia thanks to the documents leaked by Edward Snowden. Now, it looks like the Indonesians are taking revenge from the kangaroos. Sydney has suddenly become the center of attention of all security experts since traces of the sophisticated software suite FinFisher, which is sold to government […]

Australian Government Portal Asks Users To Get Rid of Two-Factor Authentication

MyGov, a portal used for managing various Australian government services is asking users to turn off their two-factor verification while traveling abroad. Portal’s administrator has been advising this move to the users on twitter. When on a trip outside Australia, users are required to change their SIM to a locally accepted SIM card and during this time if they want […]

Hackers Target Aussie Food Company, Steal Data, Demand Ransom

Hackers have leaked information related to 5000 customers of Aussie direct. But, before publishing the data, the hackers demanded the company for a six-figure ransom, which they declined. Aussie Farmers direct is a food delivery company and has a big database of customers. According to the company, the hackers revealed customer names, addresses, phone numbers […]

Hackers Posting Nude Pictures of Women without Their Knowledge

Nude pictures of more than 700 Aussie females leaked online without their permission or knowledge. An individual hosting the cache in a cloud storage service leaked photographs of over 700 nude or scantily-clad women hailing from Brisbane and adjacent areas without the consent of their owners. Multiple attempts were made by the hacker to retain the […]

Your Dead Relatives May Virtually Come Back Through Project Elysium

A virtual reality game is being developed by Paranormal Games that will reunite players with their deceased family members. Virtual Reality can be used in really weird ways. This can be proven from the fact that Australian indie studio Paranormal Games will be introducing a VR game that will let players meet their dead relatives. […]

Anonymous hacker indicted for revenge hacking of Australian intelligence websites

An Australian Anonymus hacker indicted for Australian intelligence websites’ revenge hacking – The accused has connections to the infamous Anonymous Online Collective The News: Anonymous Indonesian said to be involved in attacking numerous private Australian businesses and intelligence’ websites in 2014. In a recent advancement into this matter it has been learnt that an alleged Melbourne-based member of […]