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Bangladesh bank

Hackers Who Got Caught by a Typo Were Trying to Take Over the World

The hackers behind a large-scale Bangladesh bank hack went further than simply stealing money. Now it turns out that they created malware that could compromise the internationally used SWIFT payment system. BAE Systems researchers tell Reuters that the hackers who took the central bank of Bangladesh for a ride compromized the SWIFT system using malware. […]

How Hackers Lost More Than $800 Million Due To A Silly Spelling Mistake

Short Bytes: Little do we realize the cost of a spelling mistake unless it costs someone millions of dollars. Here is a story of hackers who targeted Bangladesh Bank and were partially successful in transferring million of money until authorities got attentive seeing their silly spelling mistake. It was not their fault, that was the […]

Bangladesh Bank Says Hackers Stole Its Money from US Federal Reserve Account

Federal Reserve officials deny the incident took place. Serious accusations have been made today by Bangladesh’s central bank, which has said that hackers breached its US Federal Reserve account and stole a large amount of money. The allegations were made by Bangladesh officials after central bank employees noticed that a large chunk of their funds went […]