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bank apps

Banking malware with screen locking capabilities targeting all versions of Android

Android clients were the goal of another banking malware with screen locking abilities, taking on the appearance of a flashlight application on Google Play. Dissimilar to other banking trojans with a static arrangement of targeted banking applications, this trojan can progressively change its usefulness. The trojan, detected by ESET as Trojan.Android/Charger.B, was added to Google […]

Mobile apps of seven larger banks in India affected with Malware – Still not yet fixed

[jpshare]Mobile apps of seven large banks in India infected with Malware that capable of stealing financial information, revealed by US-based digital security firm FireEye. In India, we have seen monetarily prompt cyber-criminal groups propelling sophisticated attacks to steal funds from many potential sources: organizations, buyers, ATMs and banks. “As India’s digital payment systems handle more transactions, they […]