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RITA – Real Intelligence Threat Analytics

  RITA is an open source framework for network traffic analysis. The framework ingests Bro/Zeek Logs in TSV format, and currently supports the following major features: Beaconing Detection: Search for signs of beaconing behavior in and out of your network DNS Tunneling Detection Search for signs of DNS based covert channels Blacklist Checking: Query blacklists […]

RemoteRecon – Remote Recon And Collection

RemoteRecon provides the ability to execute post-exploitation capabilities against a remote host, without having to expose your complete toolkit/agent. Often times as operator’s we need to compromise a host, just so we can keylog or screenshot (or some other miniscule task) against a person/host of interest. Why should you have to push over beacon, empire, […]

Nzyme – Wireless Monitoring, Intrusion Detection & Forensics

Nzyme collects 802.11 management frames directly from the air and sends them to a Graylog (Open Source log management) setup for WiFi IDS, monitoring, and incident response. It only needs a JVM and a WiFi adapter that supports monitor mode. Think about this like a long-term (months or years) distributed Wireshark/tcpdump that can be analyzed and filtered […]