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best github hacking tools

ARPwner – A GUI Based ARP and DNS Spoofing Tool

ARPwner is a GUI based tool that can perform tasks like ARP and DNS spoofing. Through ARP and DNS spoofing, the attackers can steal sensitive information by eavesdropping on the network. Address Resolution Protocol, simply called ARP, is a communication protocol that is used to map IP addresses to physical addresses, e.g MAC address of […]

TIDoS – Open Source Reconnaissance and Web Application Audit Framework

TIDoS framework is a python based toolkit that performs a comprehensive audit of the web applications. The toolkit is packed with a number of modules with specific objectives, such as reconnaissance, open source intelligence, scanning + enumeration, and vulnerabilities analysis. TIDoS framework can perform both types of reconnaissance i-e active and passive reconnaissance. In passive […]

Raccoon – Open Source Enumeration and Information Gathering Tool

Raccoon is an offensive security tool known for reconnaissance and information gathering. The tool can extract useful information about the target host, such as DNS details, DNS mapping, WHOIS record, Port Scanning, TLS data (TLS version, supported ciphers, certificates), URL fuzzing, subdomains enumeration, and Web Application Firewall (WAF) information. Moreover, the tool is capable of […]

W3af – Web Application Attack and Audit Framework

W3af is a GUI based framework that helps in auditing and identifying vulnerabilities in web applications. The tool is loaded with a number of useful plugins that can scan a website for more than 200 types of vulnerabilities. The currently available plugins include audit, auth, bruteforce, crawl, evasion, grep, infrastructure and mangle. Each plugin has […]

Fluxion – Wifi Security and Audit Framework

Fluxion is a wifi security analysis tool that can simulate wifi attacks using the MITM technique. The tool can create rogue access points and steal wifi credentials through phishing. The tool also tries to obtain WPA/WPA2 encryption hashes through handshake process. Fluxion Installation Run the following command in order to clone the Fluxion from github […]