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Bing search

Microsoft Open Sources Bing Search’s Most Advanced Algorithm

Microsoft has announced that it is open-sourcing a crucial AI tool behind its Bing search engine. This tool enables Bing to quickly return relevant search results to user queries. The company has open-sourced its AI algorithm called Space Partition Tree And Graph (SPTAG) that can parse data more efficiently. Earlier, performing a web search was […]

Microsoft Bing Caught Serving Child Pornography And Suggesting More

Microsoft search engine Bing served child pornography images when asked for it, according to an investigative report from AntiToxin. In fact, the popular search engine even suggested additional search terms on typing in queries that led to more illegal images. Researchers at AntiToxin, a security firm that excels in building technologies to protect people against abuse, […]

23 Advanced Bing Search Tips And Tricks You Should Know

Even though Google dominates the search engine market worldwide, Bing has created a niche for itself where millions of users prefer it over Google. While there are many Google search tricks, Bing also has search engine shortcuts and several advanced features that can be used to get better and accurate search results. These Bing search tips and tricks will […]