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Researchers Encode Physical DNA with Malware To infect Computers

When DNA was synthesized, nobody had thought that it could be used to spread computer viruses, but a group of researchers from the University of Washington’s school of computer science and engineering have come up with a surprising new research. According to the research team, it is indeed possible to insert malicious malware into the […]

Human biology merges with technology as Biohackers implant LED’s under the skin

Biohackers have unveiled something that could be termed as “Technology for future”. The technology is a silicone implant that is LED equipped and magnetically equipped. A Pittsburgh-based biohacking collective Grindhouse Wetware demonstrated 3 implants with simultaneous operations last Saturday in Dusseldorf. The light-up device looked similar to Northstar V1, in terms of size it is somewhat […]

Biohackers Identified the Way to Transform your Eyes into Night Vision Goggles

Biohackers Identified the Way to Transform your Eyes into Night Vision Goggles — It requires injecting your eye balls with a chemical that serves as night vision serum. A small and independent group of researchers has identified a way to make humans see over 50m in the darkest areas during the night, thus, equipping them […]