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Blockchain Technology

What Is Blockchain Technology? Blockchain For Beginners!!

Blockchain technology is an ever-growing digital list of data records. This list includes many data blocks that are organized chronologically and are linked and protected by cryptographic tests. The first prototype of the blockchain technology dates from the early 1990s when computer scientist Stuart Haber and physicist W. Scott Stornetta used cryptographic methods in a […]

What Could Blockchain Technology Do for Cybersecurity?

Blockchain Technology and the evolution of the digital world has led to a sizeable outbreak of sophisticated cyber attacks, with attackers continually refining their methods to find new vulnerabilities and chinks in the armor of organizations of all shapes and sizes. Hackers enjoy getting their hands on sensitive data, but an almost impenetrable technology, known as […]

Coinbase suspended Ethereum Classic (ETC) after attacks worth $1.1 Million, a mainstream cryptocurrency exchange, disclosed an abnormal 12 double spend in the Ethereum Classic, which prompted them to halt the transaction of ETC blockchain. These 15 reorganizations in aggregate cost around $1.1 million worth of Ethereum Classic (219,500 ETC) transactions. Also known as the 51% attack, where an individual is successful in producing enough […]

The Impact of Cryptocurrency Attacks on Cryptocurrency Exchange

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that have recently emerged to popularity are backed by the security of its founding technology — Blockchain. However, cybercriminals are having a picnic when it comes to earning lots of money hacking cryptocurrencies’ weakest link in the chain, the cryptocurrency exchanges. These are business establishments, web services that offer to exchange […]

Blockchain Technology to Protect E-commerce business data

As we know how Equifax is still under the impact of the massive cybersecurity breach on its computers, and as it reels under this breach, lest not forget this attack happened somewhere in mid-May and June 2017. The personal data of 140 million Equifax customers were taken off by the cyber criminals. We have also […]