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This Botnet, Called Jaku, Only Targets Scientists, Engineers, And Academics

Short Bytes: Jaku Botnet discriminates while targeting its victims in the wild. It is easier to download from the famous sources like images or Torrents — thanks to the unforced human errors — and once installed, it grips that computer and makes that a part of the Botnet network. The Botnet Jaku, named after a planet […]

These Vigilante Hackers Aim To Hack 200,000 Routers To Make Them More Secure

Short Bytes: Remember the white hat hackers — The White Team — responsible for creating the Linux.Wifatch malware last October? The same hackers are now planning to take over Lizard Squad’s botnet of infected IoT devices in an attempt to shut down their operations. Earlier, hackers used to target regular PCs. Hackers would insert malware into […]

Mystery hacker pwns Dridex Trojan botnet… to serve antivirus installer

Part of the distribution channel of the Dridex banking Trojan botnet may have been hacked, with malicious links replaced by installers for Avira Antivirus. Avira reckons the pwnage is down to the work of an unknown white hat hacker. The Dridex botnet has remains a menace even after a high profile takedown operation in late […]

Dorkbot and associated Botnets Temporarily Disrupted

The world’s most widely proactive malware group Dorkbot and all of its associated Botnets have been disrupted. This disruption was made possible by the combined efforts of international law enforcement agencies with the support of prominent security and technology companies including Microsoft. According to Wil van Gemert, the Europol deputy director of operations who was […]

Are You Under the Attack of CCTV Botnet?

Short Bytes: Internet of Things are constantly being targeted by attackers to get the better off of the companies or individuals. CCTV surveillance cameras are generally preferred for the purpose. Make sure you do not come under the attack of CCTV botnet. Botnet is a network of infected computers (fast replaced by IoTs now) that […]

European Cyber Police Shuts Down World’s Biggest “Ramnit” Botnet

In a joint operation cyber police from United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany and Italy have claimed successful breakdown of what can be the world’s biggest ever botnets known as Ramnit. The Ramit malware is so dangerous that according to researchers it has compromised more than 3.2 million Microsoft Windows based PCs, and still active in 350,000 computers […]

Hackers target Forbes visitors through chained Flash and IE Zero-days vulnerabilities

Hackers pieced together zero-day vulnerabilities in Flash and Internet Explorer 9+ to attack financial services and defense contractor employees visiting, according to security firm researchers, Invincea and iSIGHT Partners. In November 2014, the site’s Thought of the Day (ToTD) page, which is displayed briefly upon visiting the site, was compromised. On first visit to […]