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Cisco routers

Authentication Bypass Vulnerability in Cisco REST API Let Hackers Take Control of Cisco Routers Remotely

Cisco released a security update for critical Authentication Bypass vulnerability that resides in the Cisco REST API virtual service container for Cisco IOS XE Software allows a remote attacker to bypass the authentication in managed Cisco devices. Cisco IOS XE is an internetworking OS that mainly deployed in Cisco ARS 1000 series routers and Catalyst switches such […]

FBI launches international alert for Cisco routers for being easy to hack

The FBI is recommending to businesses and homes restart the routers as soon as possible; this based on a Cisco report that 500,000 infected devices could be destroyed with a single command. Information security experts commented that the malware called VPNFilter was developed by the group of Russian hackers Sofacy, also known as Fancy Bear […]