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cuckoo sandbox

New ‘Cuckoo’ Persistent macOS Spyware Targeting Intel and Arm Macs

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new information stealer targeting Apple macOS systems that’s designed to set up persistence on the infected hosts and act as a spyware. Dubbed Cuckoo by Kandji, the malware is a universal Mach-O binary that’s capable of running on both Intel- and Arm-based Macs. The exact distribution vector is currently unclear, […]

Explaining Cuckoo Sandbox and Preparing for Installation

Cuckoo Sandbox is a malware analysis system used to identify any malicious intent in provided files. By offering you a detailed report outlining all of the specifics of the target, you can easily decipher whether the file is safe to operate/execute. Commonly, you will figure this out by studying how the file responded when triggered […]