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Cyber Crime

Does WhatsApp Has A Privacy Bug That Could Expose Your Messages?

In-short conclusion—Whatsapp service or its 45-days deletion policy doesn’t seem to have a bug. For detailed logical explanation, please read below.An Amazon employee earlier today tweeted details about an incident that many suggests could be a sign of a huge privacy bug in the most popular end-to-end encrypted Whatsapp messaging app that could expose some […]

Google DNS Service ( Now Supports DNS-over-TLS Security

Almost every activity on the Internet starts with a DNS query, a key function of the Internet that works as an Internet’s directory where your device looks up for the server IP addresses after you enter a human-readable web address (e.g., Since DNS queries are sent in clear text over UDP or TCP without […]

New Systemd Privilege Escalation Flaws Affect Most Linux Distributions

Security researchers have discovered three vulnerabilities in Systemd, a popular init system and service manager for most Linux operating systems, that could allow unprivileged local attackers or malicious programs to gain root access on the targeted systems. The vulnerabilities, assigned as CVE-2018-16864, CVE-2018-16865, and CVE-2018-16866, actually resides in the “systemd-journald” service that collects information from […]

Over 202 Million Chinese Job Seekers’ Details Exposed On the Internet

Cybersecurity researcher has discovered online a massive database containing records of more than 202 million Chinese citizens that remained accessible to anyone on the Internet without authentication until last week. The unprotected 854.8 gigabytes of the database was stored in an instance of MongoDB, a NoSQL high performance and cross-platform document-oriented database, hosted by an […]

Hackers Using Zero-Width Spaces to Bypass MS Office 365 Protection

Security researchers have been warning about a simple technique that cybercriminals and email scammers are already being using in the wild to bypass security features of Microsoft Office 365, including Safe Links, which are originally designed to protect users from malware and phishing attacks. Safe Links has been included by Microsoft in Office 365 as […]

Microsoft Patch Tuesday — January 2019 Security Updates Released

Microsoft has issued its first Patch Tuesday for this year to address 49 CVE-listed security vulnerabilities in its Windows operating systems and other products, 7 of which are rated critical, 40 important and 2 moderate in severity. Just one of the security vulnerabilities patched by the tech giant this month has been reported as being […]

Google Removes 85 Adware Apps That Infect 9 Million Android Users

Google has removed 85 apps from its Play Store after finding out that they were pushing aggressive, full-screen adware to Android users. With the rise in the mobile market, Adware has become one of the most prevalent mobile threats in the world. Adware has traditionally been used to aggressively push ads like banners or pop-ups […]

German Police Seek Help In Finding Parcel Bomber With MAC Address

German police are seeking your help in gathering information related to a MAC address that could lead to the cell phone device used by a DHL blackmailer who last year parceled out bombs at different addresses in Brandenburg and Berlin. Between November 2017 and April 2018, someone used German parcel delivery service DHL to sent […]

Ethereum Classic (ETC) Hit by Double-Spend Attack Worth $1.1 Million

Popular cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has suspended all transactions of Ethereum Classic (ETC)—the original unforked version of the Ethereum network—on their trading platforms, other products and services after detecting a potential attack on the cryptocurrency network that let someone spend the same digital coins twice. Why is this attack concerning? The heist resulted in the loss […]

20-Year-Old Man Arrested For Carrying Out Germany’s Biggest Data Leak

German federal police have arrested a 20-year-old local student for stealing and publishing a massive trove of personal data of hundreds of politicians, journalists and other public figures last month. The young man, whose identity has not been revealed by the police, was arrested after police raided his parent’s house in west-central German State of […]

Zerodium Offers to Buy Zero-Day Exploits at Higher Prices Than Ever

Well, there’s some good news for hackers and vulnerability hunters, though terrible news for tech manufacturers! Exploit vendor Zerodium is now willing to offer significantly higher payouts for full, working zero-day exploits that allow stealing of data from WhatsApp, iMessage and other online chat applications. Zerodium—a startup by the infamous French-based company Vupen that buys […]

NSA to release its GHIDRA reverse engineering tool for free

The United States’ National Security Agency (NSA) is planning to release its internally developed reverse engineering tool for free at the upcoming RSA security conference 2019 that will be held in March in San Francisco. The existence of the framework, dubbed GHIDRA, was first publicly revealed by WikiLeaks in CIA Vault 7 leaks, but the […]

2018’s Top hacks and data breaches

The year 2018 is now a thing of the past yet it has established a memory that will haunt victims of biggest data breaches and hacking incidents for years. Today, we will be discussing some of the biggest data breaches and hacking incidents of 2018 which took users by storm. “2018 not only shocked the world by highlighting […]

Town of Salem Data Breach Exposes 7.6 Million Gamers’ Accounts

A massive data breach at the popular online role-playing game ‘Town of Salem’ has reportedly impacted more than 7.6 million players, the game owner BlankMediaGames (BMG) confirmed Wednesday on its online forum. With the user base of more than 8 million players, Town of Salem is a browser-based game that enables gamers (which range from […]

Dark Overlord hackers publish first batch of “secret” 9/11 files

The Dark Overlord hackers have fulfilled their promise and published the first batch of decryption keys for 650 documents in a 70 megabytes file related to the 9/11 attacks. Initially, the group had vowed to publish 10GB of data on Twitter account or on a Dark Web form called “KickAss.” but after being suspended on Twitter the Dark […]

Irish tram system website hacked; held for 1 BTC ransom

The official website of Luas, a tram and light rail system in Dublin, Ireland was hacked on Thursday, January 3rd after a hacker defaced its homepage and left a message demanding ransom payment of 1 Bitcoin (BTC). In their deface message, an unknown hacker claimed that Luas was informed about “serious security holes” in their system which the […]

Hackers Leak Personal Data from Hundreds of German Politicians On Twitter

Germany has been hit with the biggest hack in its history. A group of unknown hackers has leaked highly-sensitive personal data from more than 100 German politicians, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Brandenburg’s prime minister Dietmar Woidke, along with some German artists, journalists, and YouTube celebrities. The leaked data that was published on a Twitter […]

Adobe Issues Emergency Patches for Two Critical Flaws in Acrobat and Reader

I hope you had biggest, happiest and craziest New Year celebration, but now it’s time to come back at work and immediately update your systems to patch new security flaws that could exploit your computer just by opening a PDF file. Adobe has issued an out-of-band security update to patch two critical vulnerabilities in the […]

Thousands of Google Chromecast Devices Hijacked to Promote PewDiePie

A group of hackers has hijacked tens of thousands of Google’s Chromecast streaming dongles, Google Home smart speakers and smart TVs with built-in Chromecast technology in recent weeks by exploiting a bug that’s allegedly been ignored by Google for almost five years. The attackers, who go by Twitter handles @HackerGiraffe and @j3ws3r, managed to hijack […]

Google Partially Patches Flaw in Chrome for Android 3 Years After Disclosure

Google has finally patched a privacy vulnerability in its Chrome web browser for Android that exposes users’ device model and firmware version, eventually enabling remote attackers to identify unpatched devices and exploit known vulnerabilities. The vulnerability, which has not yet given any CVE number, is an information disclosure bug that resides in the way the […]