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Cyber Crime

Say Hello to Ransomware Targeting Smart TV

FLocker malware was once found targeting Android smartphones but its new variant is even locking up Android Smart TV! Researchers have exposed sophisticated ransomware scams targeting Android-based devices such as smartphones and smart TV. Yes, you read that right. IT security researchers at Trend Micro have found Frantic Locker or FLocker malware targeting Android devices since 2015 but its […]

Greenwich University target of revenge hack; results in huge data breach

Brief: Greenwich university has suffered a massive data breach in what looks like a revenge hack — The unknown hacker stole entire database and leaked it on the Dark Web! The Internet has its advantages but it also contains a lot of threats such as access to best hacking tools or other stuff that would have been impossible […]

Cyber Criminals Running Sophisticated Malware Campaign Via Skype

Skype users watch out for the latest malware campaign in which criminals act as US officials offering to help people looking to get visas for the US. Skype is widely used chatting application that provides video chat and voice call services. Sometimes, crooks use it to run scams but this time, researchers have exposed a […]

uTorrent Forum Suffers Data Breach, 385,000 Credentials Database Stolen

uTorrent forum suffers massive data breach through vendor controlling the forum! The BitTorrent Client uTorrent, established by Ludvig Strigeus and later acquired by BitTorrent Inc., has issued a warning to its users regarding a security breach of their forum which allowed hackers to steal user information and password hashes of the site. Naturally, uTorrent has urged its […]

Hacker Selling 100 Million Russian Login Details on Dark Web

Russian Version of Facebook has its 100 Million Accounts Exposed on the dark web where hacker is asking for 01.0000 BTC / 583.42 US Dollar! Social networking is quite fun and entertaining for sure. However, when massive data breaches like the one we are about to inform you about occur then users have to pay […] Hacked, Thousands of Credit Cards and Accounts Leaked

What goes around comes around — The cyber crime known for selling hacked accounts has been hacked and massive data has been leaked online! The year 2016 has been hard on internet users and websites alike since more than 1,076 data breaches have occurred. The latest one is previously known as, a Dark Net platform where hackers and cyber criminals sell hacked and stolen […]

Hackers Leak 36 million+ MongoDB Accounts

You may have heard of the phrase It’s raining cats and dogs but in the world of cyber security it’s raining data! A group of hackers going by the handle of TeamGhostShell has leaked more than 36 million accounts/records of internal data from several vulnerable networks in order to raise awareness about the poor security infrastructure implemented […]

50 hackers Who Stole $25million Arrested by Russian Authorities

What goes around comes around and for these cyber criminals it came too fast! Around fifty cybercriminals have been arrested by Russian authorities on charges of stealing 1.7billion roubles. This roughly accumulated to $25 million and £18 million. This is being referred to as the largest arrest of hackers to date in Russia. Authorities in […]

Dridex Malware is Back and Targeting Banking Sector in US

US Financial Institutions and banks Threatened by Deadly New Version of Dridex Malware Once upon a time, there was a malware called Dridex, which was a preferred attacking tool of hackers and threat actors but then it lost its spark and we all forgot about how devastating it was. But the malware is back with […]

University of Calgary Network Suffers Malware Attack

The University of Calgary faced massive malware attack impacting its servers for days! The computer servers at the University of Calgary, Canada, has suffered a sophisticated malware attack impacting its IT infrastructure this Saturday(28th May) when officials noticed suspicious activity and warned students not to use any computers issued by the university. On 29th May, […]

Fiverr Removes Attacker’s Adverts, Gets Non-stop DDoS Attacks

Incapsula firm found someone posting DDoS attack service adverts on Fiverr — Fiverr deleted the listings but in return the company was hit by DDoS attacks! Fiverr is a world renowned online marketplace offering tasks and services but many didn’t envisage people would be using the platform for illegal activities such as uploading ads to offer Distributed […]

Leading DNS Provider NS1 Targeted with DDoS Attacks

NS1 has been providing DNS services to Imgur, Yelp, Max CDN, OpenX, Collective and imgIX! NS1, one of the leading DNS providers in the world have revealed that their servers have been facing massive distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks for last two weeks. That’s not all, the attackers also targeted NS1’s partners by shutting […]

Twitter accounts are getting hacked and spreading adult content

More than 2,500 Twitter Accounts Hijacked and Taken Over by Pornbots in last two weeks! The hijacking of over 2,500 Twitter accounts has suddenly become the talk of the town as everyone seems to be affected by the news. Maybe because the accounts hacked also include a majority of those that contained a large number […]

Cyber Criminals Targeting Users with WhatsApp Gold Version Malware Scam

No there is no Gold Version for WhatsApp — If you have received an invitation from a friend it’s because their account has been compromised. So Don’t fall for it! Recently HackRead’s Ryan received a message on WhatsApp from one of his contacts during a group chat. The message asked him to click on a link in order to […]

Hacker Sentenced for Reporting Flaws in Police Communications System

Slovenian Student Gets Sentenced for Reporting Configuration flaws in Tetra Protocol Is it possible that somebody could be sent to jail for identifying security flaws in a protocol that is being used by the local Police department? This particular news report strengthens the notion that it certainly can happen. Reports have it that a 26-year […]

Hackers Destroy Fur Affinity Art Gallery Website

Hackers target Fur Affinity art gallery website delete everything — Thanks to the backup the site is up and running once again! A well-known and widely followed online hub of furries community called Fur Affinity disappeared from the web. The furries community is a group of people having a keen interest in anthropomorphic animal characters like […]

Teacher’s Email Hacked, Distributes Porn to Staff, Students and Parents

Dear teachers, be careful and protect your emails because you never know what your students are capable of! In January this year a gay teacher was fired from his job when someone hacked his email and uploaded his sex video with an adult male but now a student studying in the Highland Junior High School, Gilbert has […]

Catalan Police Union Server Destroyed, Data Leaked Against Police Brutality

In an act of hacktivism, a hacker has leaked everything from the Catalan Police Union website — Reason: Police brutality! A couple of hours ago HackRead reported on a robin hood hacker going with the handles “Phineas Phisher” “Hack Back!” and “@GammaGroupPR” stealing Bitcoins and donating them to Kurdish groups. Yes, the same hacker who previously […]

Hacker Steals and Donates €10K in Bitcoin to Kurdish Group

€10K in Bitcoin Given to Rojava-based Kurdish anticapitalist group by same Hacker who compromised Hacking Team and Gamma Group Do you remember Algerian hacker Hamza Bendelladj who was arrested in Malaysia for hacking into banks and donating a large amount of money to Palestinian charities? Well, he’s in prison now but there’s another good hacker […]

Cyber Criminals Using Rio Olympics as Bait to Target Users with Phishing Scams

Researchers Observe Increase in Phish Attack Mimicking 2016 Rio Olympics Adverts! Phishing attacks are definitely on a rise nowadays with email scams and spam messages doing the round across the World Wide Web incessantly. Usually, these campaigns increase in their gravity, scope and proportion when a big event of national or global nature is expected […]

Hacker Selling 117 million LinkedIn Login Credentials

Blast from the Past Haunts LinkedIn – A Hacker Leaks Details of LinkedIn users Online YET AGAIN! Social media platforms are becoming excessively and increasingly vulnerable to data leaks, hacks, and scams. Every other day we read about some or the other social networking website getting exploited, compromised, scammed or hacked resulting in exposure of profiles, email […]