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Cyber Laws

Kid who DDoSed Aussie bank, cyber crime unit walks free

An Australia teen who was behind a series of powerful DDoS attacks on banking, government, and school servers will not face any charges whatsoever. The 15-year-old boy who’s name was kept hidden targeted Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, and his own school servers in February 2016 because he was bored and it […]

Using middle finger emoji in UAE: A crime that could land you in court

Dubai: If you are living in UAE, you should know the dangers of flipping middle finger at someone as it could land you in prison. Nonetheless, legal experts have now also cautioned that sending an ‘emoji’ finger-flick gesture in a message or on social media could also land you in hot waters. In March, 2015 we reported that using VPN […]