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Vulnerability Helps Researchers Expose Malware C&C Servers

We usually get to hear of vulnerabilities that cybercriminals exploit to expose or steal data. This time it’s the other way around; the criminals are at the receiving end. A vulnerability has helped researchers expose malware C&C servers. A vulnerability in a penetration testing tool that was being used by hackers is now helping researchers […]

Holiday Season: Cybercriminals are Phishing All The Way

In this coming holiday seasons, while many get busy with shopping for their loved ones, threat actors are busy phishing all the way (pun unintended). As more information reaches the hands of retailers and sellers, the bigger chance for cybercriminals to promote and increase the frequency of their phishing attacks. This is not rocket science, […]

Phishing Scams Serious Problem for Canada’s Global Affairs

Digital scams, especially phishing scams are reportedly posing a “serious problem” for Canada’s Global Affairs Department. A recent report by The Canadian Press reporter Jim Bronskill states that as per Canada’s Global Affairs Department, too many of its employees get deceived by digital scams, which now pose a “serious problem” and could lead to sensitive […]

Crypto Mining Malware Runs on iPhone

As reported on cryptovest a new research from Check Point shows cyber-criminals are increasingly targeting iPhones in crypto-mining attacks. While it never quite took off among consumers, Google Plus is now dead in the water as far as individual users are concerned. The social network is being wound down following the discovery of a bug […]

The Journey To Migrate From PHP 5.x

The cybercriminal elements love old software and outdated platforms. It is their candy store, their toy store, as old outdated software is full of known vulnerabilities which hackers can exploit for their own purpose. This is happening every day, as not everyone running their personal device with the latest software and apps, maximizing the attack […]

$60 Billion Worth of Cryptocurrency Stolen in the Zaif Cyberheist

Japanese cryptocurrency exchange, Zaif is hacked to the tune of 6.7 billion yen or $60 million dollars worth of crypto coins by cybercriminals. The heist incident happened between 5 pm to 7 pm on September 14, 2018, the two-hour window was enough time to establish transfers. Zaif was only able to detect the infiltration after […]

Windows Task Manager’s Zero-day Vulnerability, Detected by ESET

Windows Task Scheduler was Microsoft’s answer to Unix Cron, for the purpose of running applications, scripts, and batch commands on-schedule. It was first released as an add-on option for Windows 95 and NT4.0 in 1997 as part of the Internet Explorer 4.0 installer package. With Windows 98 and later, Windows Task Scheduler became a regular […]

Intel Discovers And Publishes New Bluetooth Vulnerability

Turns out, Intel has now discovered and published a new Bluetooth vulnerability, which could help intercept and manipulate transmissions between two compatible devices. The reports say that the newly discovered vulnerability has the potential to allow cybercriminals to intercept transmissions between two affected Bluetooth-compatible devices and also to relay malicious signals back and forth between […]

The Major Cyber Espionage vs Supply Chains Apps is Coming

The United States, through its intelligence agencies, has uncovered a major cyber espionage vulnerability against software-based supply chain software. A supply chain attack refers to a cyber attack of unauthorized penetration of the supply chain network in order to farm information usable by 3rd parties. The announcement highlighted the cyber capabilities of Iran, China, and […]