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Cybersecurity news

Oregon Department of Human Services Suffered a Data Breach

Personal data of more than 645,000 Oregon, Department of Human Services (DHS) were exposed during a data breach that occurred in January 2019, the department said yesterday. The data breach was initially reported to the authorities when it was estimated that there were more than 350,000 people affected, a number that has been significantly revised. […]

MegaCortex, The New Entrant In The List of Ransomware

Sophos, the UK Security company detected the presence of the latest ransomware called MegaCortex, which is relatively small, but has increased in volume since May 1. Sophos has detected the emergence of MegaCortex in the US, Canada, Argentina, Italy, the Netherlands, France, Ireland, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Australia. This ransomware has a manual components that […]

Puma Australia Hit With Credit Card Hack Malware

Sophisticated malware was planted by hackers on Puma Australia’s website, with the intention to steal customer’s credit card information at checkout, a security researcher found. A suspicious code tucked away on Puma Australia’s page containing a script that logged people’s credit card numbers, names, and addresses when they typed them in on the website. The […]

Another Healthcare Firm Falls Victim to GandCrab Ransomware

GandCrab ransomware was first introduced in early 2018 and it is an infamous family of cryptovirus. It has this dubious distinction as one of the most destructive cyber infections, and within a year, it has created enough furor. The ransomware has been using an array of various distribution methods, including cracks, keygens RIG, GradSoft, and […]

Among Many ASUS Was One of ShadowHammer Target

ShadowHammer hacking operation infiltrated at least six other organizations and ASUS was one of them. As further found out by Kaspersky’s security researchers, ASUS’ supply chain was compromised by trojanizing ASUS Live Updater, which eventually was downloaded and installed on the computers of thousands of customers according to experts’ estimations. The attackers tampered with binaries […]

Data Breach at Georgia Tech Impacts 1.3 Million People

Georgia Tech (The Georgia Institute of Technology) has announced detection of a data breach that impacted 1.3 million people. A Georgia Tech notification, dated April 2, 2019, says, “Georgia Tech discovered that unauthorized access to a web application has exposed personal information for up to 1.3 million individuals, including current and former faculty, students, staff, […]

Can you believe Distributed Grid is Vulnerable to Cyber-attack? 

One of the major concerns for the US economy is to deal with Cyber security. The critical infrastructure like the energy system, interdependent systems, water, communications, natural gas, and fuel distribution, the highly dynamic electric power sector, are all going through an advanced and intelligent energy technology. This doesn’t mean that distributed grid of the future […]