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Vietnam in the Age of Cybersecurity Risks

When it comes to Cybersecurity news, first world nations almost always take the center stage. When a breach happened in a Silicon Valley-based company, it is a dime-a-dozen for mass media to pick-up the story. Same happens when a small city in an EU-member state had a data breach, the same treatment happens, media firms […]

New BusyGasper Variant Spying Android Devices with Impunity

The Android platform is again in the cybersecurity news headlines this week, this time around with the persistent spread of BusyGasper spyware. According to Kaspersky Labs, BusyGasper has been in existence since May 2016 however, it didn’t capture the public’s attention due to a very low infection rate and only concentrated in the Russian Federation. […]

Google Blocks YouTube Account linked to Iran

In a recent statement Google said that it has disabled 39 YouTube Channels associated with Iranian state broadcaster, which is running a political campaign to influence its viewers. Google said on August 23 that its forensic research shows the accounts were set up by people associated with the state-run Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). […]

The Business World Needs A Cybersecurity Defense Strategy

Tenable, a cyber exposure firm, has recently released their Cyber Defender Strategies report with unexpected results. Of the 2,100 organizations assessed in the study, only 5% has consistently practice persistent and comprehensive vulnerability assessment in their systems and network installations. A plurality of the sample @43% has considerable SOP and policies in place to secure […]

The Small, Medium-Sized Enterprise vs Cyberthreats

“Small and medium-scale enterprises created jobs and strengthened support industries in domestic economies. While foreign direct investment from developed countries and the transfer of technology could aid the small and medium-scale enterprises, the local support for such enterprises must also be strong. Governments should provide a favorable environment to support the development and growth of […]

Millennial Generation in the era of Cybersecurity Failures

The millennial generation has already started becoming an influential force in the workforce, hot on the heels of Generation X which it immediately succeeds. Millennials are people born from 1981 to 1996, according to the research released by Pew Research Center. They can be considered as the most technologically savvy age group, and highly aware […]

Iranian Hackers are Developing Ransomware to Secure Bitcoin

Cybersecurity experts have come up with the warning that Iranian Hackers, in the face of the economic issues that the country is likely to face, have started developing ransomware that they would use to secure bitcoin. This warning has been delivered by cybersecurity experts who were interviewed by The Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street […]

How Businesses Can Prevent Software Vulnerabilities

In a new study made by cybersecurity firm Rapid 7, it was revealed that their company’s penetration testers had successfully exploited at least one software vulnerability to 84% of all the companies that was included in the study. The test was done from early September 2017 through mid-June 2018 and involved a total number 268 […]

Why Penetration Testing is Important

For enterprises, encountering IT security vulnerabilities have become common incident around their enterprise networks and IT systems. These IT security vulnerabilities can possibly be cause by countless reasons that the IT security team failed to consider and discover. Enterprise networks store a lot of confidential and private business data that they can’t afford to lose. […]

Did The Cybersecurity World Forget Small To Medium Businesses?

Officials at the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise (ASBFE) recently released a small business statistical report detailing the pattern and health of Australia’s small-to-medium enterprise (SME) sector—and it’s not good news. The report provides comprehensive data and charts discussing SMEs drive for innovation, commercialization of research, effects on national productivity, research and development, and value […]

Khronos yesterday, Osiris today – the evolution of a Bank Trojan

Proofpoint, a cybersecurity firm has announced in their study that Japan, Poland, and Germany banks are in the crosshairs of a new variant of the Kronos bank trojan. Kronos was first detected four years ago has recently seen in the wild spreading through infected spam messages and exploit kits for sale on the Dark Web. […]

5 Cyber Threats Retail Businesses Need to Know Right Now

Convenience is the natural enemy of security. Even though security often means creating a process of more sophisticated checks and verifications, convenience often means less of those things actually happen. People are in a rush and they want to get things done now, even if that means they may jeopardize their online safety. Retail businesses […]

5 Reasons Why Businesses Are Failing IT 101

In today’s ever-changing technological landscape, cybercriminals have taken on the challenge of cybersecurity. Different forms of ransomware and crytojacking malware are their new weapons of choice—not just for their 15 minutes of fame, but to rake in crazy amounts of profit. Just like any other profession, hackers are “in it to win it.” Because hackers […]

Former Israeli PM Changes the Meaning of Cyber Espionage

From geopolitics to cyber defense and security, that is how the founders of Toka Cyber Labs transformed themselves to meet a new goal. Headed by the former Prime Minister of Israel, Ehud Barak and retired Brig. Gen Yaron Rosen of Israeli Cyber Defense Force, Toka is a new anti-cyber threat company focused on transforming the […]

How to Teach Your Employees About Cybersecurity

In the modern world, threats to security are no longer just physical. In fact, cybersecurity has now become one of the most important parts to keep a business and its employees safe. Without it, many businesses can find themselves in trouble when they least expect. Unfortunately, it can be a tricky area to understand, especially […]

Global Cyber Security Insights and Forecast 2026

The cybersecurity industry is growing in the face of new developments in the world of tech. is to release the Cyber Security forecast covering the years up to 2026. Data will be based from 2016 and 2017. Vital changes need to happen to all firms in order to capture the needed security defense against […]

How Can Vietnam’s New Cybersecurity Law Secure Safety For All?

The new Cyber Security Law that Vietnam has adopted, and which will come into effect on January 1, 2019, seeks to ensure safe cyber activities for all citizens. The new law would require all internet/telecom service providers- domestic as well as foreign providers- to eliminate sources of harmful information by endeavoring to refuse or suspend […]

Kaspersky Lab Turns Transparency Into Data Protection

Leading cybersecurity firm, Kaspersky Lab, is moving its core infrastructure to Zurich, Switzerland where it is slated to open its first Transparency Center. By the end of 2019, data from customers in different parts of the world will soon be stored and processed in Zurich. This is part of the cybersecurity company’s Global Transparency Initiative, […]

IBM’s Managed Services To Skyrocket Using Commvault Technology

The data management solutions provider, Commvault, has publicly announced a partnership with the technology giant, IBM, in providing a more compelling, unified platform for both on-site and cloud infrastructure covering storage, backup, indexing, and migration. The relationship will broaden the coverage of the current IBM Business Resilience Platform and help them further compete with their […]

Should Corporate Executives Be Responsible for Security?

Amit Yoran, the current CEO of the cyber exposure company called Tenable Network Security, has recently revealed that corporate executives are regularly downplaying the digital security threats they are facing. And given Yoran’s sterling track record and considerable experience as founding director of the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team under the Department of Homeland Security, […]

FireEye And Gigamon Strike A High-Tech Alliance

FireEye and Gigamon, two cybersecurity organizations, have shaped a new strategy to enhance product effectiveness for customers while still providing them with what they need to stay protected in today’s digital environment. When paired together, FireEye Network Security and GigaSECURE Security Delivery Platform can provide canny access and control of system movement and alternatives for both […]