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US Military To Use Fish For Underwater Surveillance

After deploying robots for surveillance on the ground and air, the US military is planning to recruit fish to strengthen under-water surveillance. An ongoing study funded by DARPA is testing whether the army can rely on marine animals like Goliath Grouper and bioluminescent plankton to detect enemy oceangoing drones and underwater weapons. The project is […]

DARPA Is Working On A Wearable Neural Tech For Mind Control

For a long time, scientists have been trying to build technology that would allow humans to transport consciousness to alternate realities and offer mind control over objects. While the concept sounds like a piece of science fiction, multiple projects like mind-reading computers and thought-transfer interfaces have been in the works for quite some time. Now, […]

Researchers Have Invented The World’s First Unhackable Processor

Meet MORPHEUS  — a new computer architecture developed by researchers from the University of Michigan that is claimed to be ‘unhackable’ because of its advanced self fending techniques. The chip uses self-encryption technology and reshuffles its own code and data at 20 times per second. This speed is faster than a human hacker can work […]

DARPA Making An Anonymous And Hack-Proof Mobile Communication System

The United States’ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, develops technologies that are deployed by the US army and sometimes the agency makes the technologies available for civilians as well. DARPA is behind many breakthrough technologies, including the internet itself, GPS, Unix, and Tor. Now, DARPA is currently working on an anonymous, end-to-end mobile […]

DARPA Is Working On An Open Source And Hack-Proof Voting System

Voting machines are vulnerable, and lawmakers are pushing hard to come up with a system that is impervious to hacks for fair results. Now, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has launched a project to develop a $10 million open source and highly secure voting system. The new system will not only prevent hackers from hacking […]

Mayhem Hacker Robot Is Here To Protect Us From Hacking Attacks

Short Bytes: ForAllSecure, the minds behind the Mayhem Hacker Robot who won the Pentagon’s Cyber Grand Challenger Contest, are working to make the software a bug fixer. They are aiming an autonomous system which would find vulnerabilities in the commercial devices like routers and automatically fix them. Every year, we see large botnets of compromised devices […]

Confirmed! Researchers Are Close To Creating A Hack-Proof Code

Short Bytes: More and more things are getting connected to the internet. Apart from its advantages, it also raises a concern regarding these things becoming prone to hackers. A DARPA-led project HACMS is aimed at developing the formal verification technology. The software is designed in accordance with the formal specifications that make them hack-proof. The […]

Security Bots Will Battle in Vegas for Darpa’s Hacking Crown

TIM BRYANT AND Brian Knudson spent two years preparing for the Cyber Grand Challenge, a $55 million hacking contest cooked up by Darpa, the visionary research operation inside the U.S. Defense Department. But when the contest begins next Thursday evening in a ballroom at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas, Darpa won’t let them participate. That’s […]

DARPA Hopes Automation Can Create the Perfect Hacker

Seven Pentagon supercomputers are getting ready to attack one another. Look out, human hackers. Pentagon research agency DARPA says people are too slow at finding and fixing security bugs and wants to see smart software take over the task. The agency released details today of a contest that will put that idea to the test at […]

Pentagon Wants One-of-A-Kind Encryption Enabled Messaging App

Pentagon’s DARPA Desperate for Developing One-Of-A-Kind Encryption Enabled Messaging App. DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, needs a secure communication and transaction platform that utilizes all the encryption tactics and security features, which popular messaging apps like WhatsApp, Richochet or Signal uses. However, DARPA also aims to create a decentralized structure just like the […]

DARPA calls for a hacker-proof encryption App, and it will pay it

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is calling for the development of a hacker-proof encryption App for the U.S. military. The US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is calling security experts to create a hacker-proof “messaging and transaction platform.” The project for a hacker-proof encryption App was proposed under the rules of the Small Business Technology Transfer […]

DARPA Squad X program to help troops pinpoint enemy in warfare

The Squad X program will help the military to identify enemies even at night by using unmanned aerial vehicles’ scanning capability and robots following them The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has kicked off its Squad X Core Technologies program in a bid to try and improve soldiers and Marines situational awareness in treacherous and […]

DARPA Invites Geeks And Techies To Turn Common Objects Into Deadly Weapons

Short Bytes: DARPA, the organization which once invented stealth plane and the Internet, is apprehensive of the fatal weaponry’s which are being made out of the common household objects. So, DARPA has decided to do a feasibility study of the same through a program called ‘Improv’ to replicate the mindset of the adversaries.  Call it […]

This Computer Chip Self-destructs in 10 Seconds to Protect Your Secrets

Short Bytes: PARC has developed a self-destructing computer chip under DARPA’s vanishing programmable resource project. The chip, made of Gorilla glass, will self-destruct in 10 seconds to keep the top-secret information safe. It’s time to relive your sci-fi movie fantasies of James Bond and Mission Impossible franchises as the PARC engineers have developed a self-destructing […]

Snowden documents show how NSA converts Audio calls into searchable data

A new Edward Snowden document released by The Intercept describes the way NSA converted voice calls into searchable text files for about a decade.  In a new document released by The Intercept from the cache of government files possessed by Edward Snowden has exposed how the National Security Agency (NSA) has been converting audio calls […]

Adiós GPS: DARPA Working on Alternative Position Tracking Technology

Good Bye GPS — DARPA to present another position-tracking technology. The U.S government’s Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has prioritized the development of a more dependable and efficient real-time location tracking technology due to the incompetence of GPS in specific situations. The information was made public on Thursday by a document on DARPA’s research projects. […]

Pentagon Wants Unhackable Boeing Drone Helicopters by 2018

Unhackable Drone Helicopters a must have for the Pentagon before 2018 – The Pentagon is looking for unhackable drone helicopters to avoid getting pwned through cyber attacks. An unavoidable expense of modern warfare is losing a few UAVs to the enemy forces. However, there is a vast difference between losing a Scan Eagle and saying the […]

Paralysed Woman Flies Fighter Jet Simulator Using Her Thoughts

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is known for its secretive projects, but we have to agree the agency is also home to some exclusive innovative projects like the one revealed recently at Future of War forum. A 55-year-old paralyzed American citizen Jan Scheuermann was able to control and fly a single-engine Cessna and an F-35 fighter jet in […]

DARPA wants to use Unmanned Surveillance system to monitor The Arctic

To Monitor The Arctic DARPA willing to give $4million for an Unmanned Surveillance System. Ice melting in the Arctic has been the leading issue in strategic plans of almost all government leaders in Northern Hemisphere states. However, the remoteness of this area makes it a difficult entity to be explored or spied on. Thus, the […]