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Data-wiping malware

ZeroCleare: New Iranian Data Wiper Malware Targeting Energy Sector

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new, previously undiscovered destructive data-wiping malware that is being used by state-sponsored hackers in the wild to target energy and industrial organizations in the Middle East. Dubbed ZeroCleare, the data wiper malware has been linked to not one but two Iranian state-sponsored hacking groups—APT34, also known as ITG13 and Oilrig, […]

This hard drive will self destruct. Data-wiping malware targets Europe

Meaner strain of Shamoon makes comeback, joined by new, never-before disk wiper. Shamoon—the mysterious disk wiper that popped up out nowhere in 2012 and took out more than 35,000 computers in a Saudi Arabian-owned gas company before disappearing—is back. Its new, meaner design has been unleashed three time since November. What’s more, a new wiper […]