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deepin 15.10

Huawei Linux Laptops Running Deepin Linux Now Available

Three brand new Huawei Linux Laptops running Deepin have been released by the Chinese tech giant. Deepin is a Linux distro developed in China. The Chinese association with Deepin is a little unsettling for some users. But the source code of this Linux distro is open for everyone to go through, so there are no […]

deepin 15.10 Is A Beautiful Linux Distro That’ll Make Windows Users Jealous

The deepin Linux distro has a long history of different names, including Deepin, Linux Deepin, etc. This China-based distro is also known for its user-friendliness as well as its elegant appearance that can make any Windows or macOS user jealous. The operating system’s own desktop environment called Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE) makes sure that users can […]