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def con

Your Monitor is not safe; Hackers could use it to spy on you

Def Con is a great event for hackers and security researcher to show their latest findings — This time, a researcher has demonstrated how hackers can spy on you using your device’s monitor! Monitors are considered passive and invulnerable to hacks. But a researcher begs to differ with this common notion. The only thing a […]

Even Solar Panels Can Be Hacked

Believe it or not, your Solar Panel can be hacked as well — Just like this man who hacked his own solar panel Do you know how you can verify if your home or property is fully secure? Well, in Fred Bret-Mounet’s opinion, the only way is to try to violate the security measures yourself. […]

Samsung Pay Vulnerability allows Hackers to make Fraudulent Transactions

Hackers show how easy it is for attackers to hack Samsung Pay and make Fraudulent Transactions! The token-based payment system developed by Samsung called Samsung Pay is vulnerable to credit fraud as hackers can use the tokens generated to carry out transactions remotely, ZDNet reports. Samsung Pay is a magnetic-based contactless system that was created in order to […]