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EternalBlue Exploit

Wannamine Malware Still Penetrate the Unpatched SMB Computers using NSA’s EternalBlue Exploit

Cryptomining based Wannamine malware outbreak still actively attacking the windows users around the globe that using NSA exploit Eternalblue to penetrate the unpatched SMB enabled computers to gain high privileged access. Eternalblue Exploit leaked from NSA last year that made a huge impact around the world by exploiting the SMB flow and that leads to massive WannaCry and NotPetya attacks. Many […]

Excalibur – An Eternalblue exploit payload based Powershell

Excalibur is an Eternalblue exploit based “Powershell” for the Bashbunny project. It’s purpose is to reflect on how a “simple” USB drive can execute the 7 cyber kill chain. Excalibur may be used only for demostrations purposes only, and the developers are not responsible to any misuse or illeagal usage. What does it do? When […]

WannaCry’s EternalBlue Exploit Ported To Windows 10

Short Bytes: WannaCry ransomware, which targetted tons of unpatched older versions of Windows, used the leaked EternalBlue and DoublePulsar exploits. Now, a team of white hat researchers has ported the EternalBlue exploit to Windows 10. This module is a smaller version that can be ported to unpatched Windows 10 and used to deliver payloads. In the research […]