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evilginx commands

Evilginx 2 – Advanced MiTM Attack Framework

Evilginx 2 is a MiTM Attack Framework used for phishing login credentials along with session cookies, which in turn allows to bypass 2-factor authentication protection. It’s a standalone application, fully written in GO, which implements its own HTTP and DNS server, making it extremely easy to set up and use. Disclaimer: Evilginx project is released for […]

Evilginx – Advanced Man in the Middle Attack Framework

Evilginx is an attack framework for setting up phishing pages. Instead of serving templates of sign-in pages lookalikes, Evilginx becomes a relay between the real website and the phished user. Phished user interacts with the real website, while Evilginx captures all the data being transmitted between the two parties. Evilginx, being the man-in-the-middle, captures not only […]