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Facebook employees

Facebook Employees Are Peeking At Your Private Posts Without Your Consent

A recent report by Reuters suggests that Facebook has hired a team of contract workers in Hyderabad, India, whose job is to comb through millions of Facebook users’ photos, status updates and other content they have posted since 2014. Facebook employees ‘label’ items into five different “dimensions,” or categories, and feed this data to the AI to […]

Facebook Exposed Millions Of User Passwords In Plain Text To Employees

Adding on to the list of goof-ups by Facebook, a new report has surfaced which states that hundreds of millions of users’ passwords were stored in plain text for years. What’s even worse is that Facebook employees had unfettered access to this data. This security blunder dates back to 2012 and after cybersecurity journalist Brian Krebs published […]

Facebook Employees Think They Are Robbing Unsuspecting Children & Parents

Every year several unsuspecting children end up spending hundreds, and sometimes thousands of dollars from their parent’s credit cards while playing online games on Facebook. Now, the company’s internal documents have revealed that even Facebook’s own employees believe the company is inappropriately making money off such children and their parents. According to internal Facebook records, the social […]