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FaceTime bug

Apple Faces Lawsuit Over The FaceTime Eavesdropping Bug

Just yesterday, we reported the massive Facetime bug in iOS 12.1 devices that allowed people to eavesdrop a conversation, even before the recipient picks up a call. Now, a report suggests that some users are gravely affected by the bug. Bloomberg reports that a Texas-based lawyer is suing Apple, alleging that the iPhone bug allowed an unknown person to listen to his private […]

FaceTime Bug Lets iPhone Users Spy On Others Before They Pick Up Call

A new bug has been found in iOS 12.1 which activates mic and allows you to listen to people before the call actually starts. As reported by 9to5Mac, the bug poses a major privacy risk as you can listen to anyone by initiating a FaceTime call and the recipient wouldn’t even know that you are hearing him/her. […]