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Tachyon – Fast HTTP Dead File Finder

  Tachyon is a fast web application security reconnaissance tool. It is specifically meant to crawl web application and look for left over or non-indexed files with the addition of reporting pages or scripts leaking internal data. User Requirements Linux Python 3.5.2 User Installation Install: $ mkdir tachyon $ python3 -m venv tachyon/ $ cd […]

Exitmap – A Fast and Modular Scanner for TOR Exit Relays

Exitmap is a fast and modular Python-based scanner for Tor exit relays. Exitmap modules implement tasks that are run over (a subset of) all exit relays. If you have a background in functional programming, think of exitmap as a map() interface for Tor exit relays: Modules can perform any TCP-based networking task like fetching a […]

Make Your Computer Work Faster In 10 Easy Steps

We all know that sinking feeling when your computer decides to slow down and barely function for no real reason. Why is my computer so slow? There are several reasons why your computer might not be running at it’s optimal speed. Let’s start with what you’ve got running in the background..have a quick look, how […]