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Apple To FBI: “Please Hack Us Again And Show How You Did It”

Short Bytes: In a clever manner, Apple has invited the FBI to hack another iPhone to know how the law enforcement agency managed to crack the San Bernardino iPhone. The iPhone maker has asked the court to call FBI and ask it to unlock the New York case iPhone as the agency has already developed […]

UK cops tell suspect to hand over crypto keys in US hacking case

Lauri Love faces extradition to US over hitting Federal Reserve, among others. At a court hearing earlier this month, the UK’s National Crime Authority (NCA) demanded that Lauri Love, a British computer scientist who allegedly broke into US government networks and caused “millions of dollars in damage,” decrypt his laptop and other devices impounded by the NCA […]

Google Was Also Ordered To Unlock A Phone, But Did Not Put Up A Fight

Short Bytes: After FBI hacked San Bernardino gunman’s iPhone without Apple’s help, most of us almost thought that Apple was the only company having stiff tussles with FBI. But, the government has also tapped Google for help getting data from phones. In total, the government has asked tech giants like Google and Apple to help it […]

Backdoor on Your Smartphone Already Exists — Explained

Though the FBI has already hacked into the iPhone of suspected San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook, there’s something missing — Mr. Kokumai, President of Mnemonic Security, Inc explains the reality of backdoor in our smartphones It appears that something crucial is overlooked in the heated debates about the backdoor on smartphones, which is the focus point of […]

FBI Finally Hacks San Bernardino Gunman’s iPhone Proving Snowden Was Right

The FBI has hacked into the iPhone of Syed Rizwan Farook and it didn’t even require for Apple’s help The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) claims that it has finally managed to unlock the iPhone of the San Bernardino suspected shooter without Apple‘s assistance — The hack also proves ex-NSA’s spy Edward Snowden right when he called the […]

FBI hacks into terrorist’s iPhone without Apple

Although the government officially withdrew from its battle against Apple Monday, many observers sense the tech privacy war is just getting started. “This lawsuit may be over, but the Constitutional and privacy questions it raised are not,” Congressman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), who had criticized the Justice Department’s suit against Apple, said in a statement Monday. The Justice […]

FBI Hacks San Bernardino Gunman’s iPhone Without Apple’s Help

Short Bytes: The FBI has finally managed to break into the San Bernardino iPhone without Apple’s help. This development has also resulted in putting an end to the ongoing FBI vs. Apple battle in the court. It’s been speculated that the government has taken the help of some mysterious third party who remains unidentified. The FBI has […]

FBI Adds Syrian Electronic Army Hackers in Cyber’s Most Wanted List

FBI Adds three Syrian Electronic Army Members to its Cyber’s Most Wanted List and Charges Three for Hacking The three members of the Syrian Electronic Army involved in the hacking of prominent US media organizations and military’s social media platforms and websites have been charged with multiple computer hacking related conspiracies in a US federal […]

How Anonymous Hackers Just Fooled Donald Trump And The FBI Big Time

Short Bytes: Remember the recent leak by Anonymous that revealed the personal information of Republican Presidential front-runner Donald Trump? What’s more, this leak has fooled Donald Trump, the FBI, and the Secret Service as everything ‘leaked’ was already available online. In a new video, Anonymous has outlined this point and thanked everybody for being a […]

FBI warns on risks of car hacking

The FBI and the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration have added their voices to growing concerns about the risk of cars being hacked. In an advisory note it warns the public to be aware of “cybersecurity threats” related to connected vehicles. Last year Fiat Chrysler recalled 1.4 million US vehicles after security researchers remotely […]

FBI and Microsoft Warn of Samas Ransomware

Ransomware targets corporate networks, not just lone users. A new ransomware family has inflicted enough damage for both Microsoft and the FBI to take notice of its actions, the last issuing a public statement announcement on its site to warn US companies of the dangers surrounding this new threat. Detected under the names of Samas, Kazi, […]

FBI identifies WhatsApp as next target while court case with Apple goes on

The ongoing FBI vs. Apple war is certainly not over yet. The fight has proved that there is much more to it than meets the eye. New court filings by the government against Apple and a potentially ensuing battle with WhatsApp, most popular texting media, will probably mean secure communications might just be illegal in […]

FBI Director Asks — “What If Apple Engineers Are Kidnapped And Forced To Hack The iPhone?”

Short Bytes: On Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey appeared before the House Judiciary Committee and defended FBI’s demands for unlocking the iPhone of the San Bernardino shooting case. Calling the security concerns baseless, he asked a hypothetical question — “What if Apple engineers are kidnapped and forced to write code?” The drama in the Apple vs. FBI case reached […]

Apple vs. U.S. Department of Justice, The Winner is Apple

Apple = 1 — U.S. Department of Justice = 0 On Monday, a federal judge went against the Justice Department and surprisingly sided with Apple Inc. The matter was related to forcing the iPhone maker firm to let investigators access data from a locked iPhone. This phone was seized during a drug investigation. The ruling […]

A journalist has been hacked on a plane while writing an Apple-FBI story

The journalist Steven Petrow had his computer hacked while on a plane, it was a shocking experience that raises the discussion on privacy. Experts in the aviation industry are spending a significant effort in the attempt of improving cyber security. The news that I’m going to tell you has something of incredible. The American journalist […]