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Google and Facebook have decided to fund the Net Neutrality campaign

The group, which embodies countless tech organizations including Google, Amazon, Facebook, Etsy and various companies, stated that the organization will not only compete in the coming lawsuits which should come shortly after the repeal hits the Federal Register but would carry a “legislative solution” to help make net neutrality permanent. “The final report of Chairman […]

New Bill has been announced by California to Protect Net Neutrality

As the FCC has attempted to abandon its role as the defender of a free and open Internet at the federal level, states are attempting ways to step into the void. Prior to December, the FCC’s rules prevented Internet service providers (ISPs) from preventing or slowing down traffic to websites. The rules also restrained ISPs […]

Netflix wants to sue FCC about Net Neutrality

The streaming company retweeted its care for the Internet Association’s Friday announced it would “interrupt in a judicial action to save net neutrality protections.” The IA plans on shoving back against the FCC’s choice last month to pull back Obama-era laws that blocked internet providers from blocking a path to particular sites, as well as […]


THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Commission voted Thursday to dismantle its net neutrality regulations. But that won’t end the fight over rules that prohibit internet service providers from creating fast lanes for some content, while blocking or throttling others. Most immediately, the activity will move to the courts, where the advocacy group Free Press, and probably others, will challenge the […]

The FCC has just killed the Net Neutrality Rules

Before you throw your computer into a lake, rest ensured this ain’t over. In the days, weeks, and periods to follow honestly, indeed in the next few hours the next phase in the fight to protect net neutrality will begin. It will take several forms, and will happen in several areas, but it’s only just […]

FCC’s plan is being criticized by Republicans in Congress

That’s frequently the case with net impartiality: a handful of Republican delegates have joined their voices to those demanding the FCC to delay the vote that would repeal net neutrality, or for legislation that authorizes the principle permanently. The latest to turn is Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO), who addressed in a letter today: The Internet […]

FCC has no documentation of DDoS attack that hit net neutrality comments

Records request denied because FCC made no “written documentation” of attack. The US Federal Communications Commission says it has no written analysis of DDoS attacks that hit the commission’s net neutrality comment system in May. In its response to a Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) request filed by Gizmodo, the FCC said its analysis of DDoS attacks “stemmed from […]

Yes, You Are Now Allowed To Hack Your WiFi Router

Short Bytes: After facing tons of criticism over the new proposed rules governing the 5GHz spectrum devices (basically your WiFi routers), the FCC has decides to remove the controversial wordings from the proposal. The FCC has modified the proposal and cleaned the air, telling that it allows the use of open source firmware.  Some months […]