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Gone in Seconds: Hackers Steal Mercedes Car without Key

A surveillance video shared by West Midlands Police, United Kingdom shows car hacking thieves stole a Mercedes within a few seconds without keys and even without touching the vehicle – Thanks to a relay device. A relay box is an electrically operated switch which works in such a way that other than the metal it can detect and […]

Israeli Firm Offering WiFi Interception Service to Law Enforcement Agencies

Israel has some most advanced surveillance tools industry and at the same time, it has most active, strong and somewhat notorious security firms who sell malicious software and malware to governments across the globe, and their business is growing day-by-day. Cellebrite is one good example. Now it is time to welcome a new entrant at the […]

A $500 Device can Crack iPhone 6 and 7 Passcodes within Minutes

If you remember the FBI paid millions of dollars to Israeli firm Cellebrite to unlock San Bernardino gunman’s iPhone. Now, it turns out that a $500 device that can recover passcodes of not one or two but three iPhone 7 at the same time. Believe it or not but this American YouTuber has posted a video showing a […]

10 gadgets to have while traveling

When you work hard all year, it is only fair that you take a break and leave all the stress behind every once in a while. What better way to chill than to take a vacation! But traveling has its Pros and Cons mostly pros because who would complain about being allowed a few weeks […]

Airborne Drones can be hijacked using $15 BBC’ Micro:bit

Security Expert Showed Way of ‘Weaponizing the BBC Micro Bit’ at DEF CON 2017 to take over drones. The Micro Bit (also referred to as BBC Micro Bit or Micro:bit) is an ARM-based embedded system designed by the BBC for use in computer education in the UK. The very hyped Micro:bit computer board from BBC is […]

Watch: Researcher hacking, unlocking a smart gun with $15 magnets

A $1500 smart gun developed with the main objective of reducing gun crime has an inherent security flaw, which is so huge that even $15 magnets can expose it. This smart gun model called Armatix IP1 allows the owner to open fire only if the company’s smartwatch near by the gun. However, the presence of such […]

Remotely Controllable Hoverboards Latest Target of Hackers

Without a doubt, hoverboards are the latest fad. Hoverboards are indeed very useful as these aren’t only easy to use but make traveling so much fun. The recent trend of trying to make every device internet connection has not spared hoverboards; they even come with rider applications.  The app allows the user to perform cool […]

Bluetooth-enabled Fidget Spinners are Blowing Up

A fidget spinner is a toy device which in 2017 has become increasingly popular among teens and adults. It consists of a bearing in the center of a multi-lobed flat structure made from metal or plastic designed to spin along its axis with little effort. It is being reported that that Bluetooth-enabled fidget spinners are exploding. Until now, […]

Android-compatible Google Daydream VR Controller Hacked to Run on iOS

Genius researcher Ups the Game for Social Engineers by Getting Android-compatible Google Daydream VR Controller to run on the Incompatible iOS Platform. Conducting data breach is old school skill now- hacking a gadget and making it run on an incompatible platform is the real deal. Infecting a system and carrying out hack attacks is no […]

Microsoft’s Color Binoculars App Lets Colorblind People See The Normal Way

It is a fact that around 8% of the world’s populace cannot see colors properly, that is, some people cannot distinguish between colors the way others can do. For instanceIf, something has shades of red and green, it won’t be properly and accurately viewed by some. Medical science categorizes people as colorblind and non-colorblind individuals […]

Student creates glove that reduces Parkinson’s tremors by 80%

If you or anyone you know is suffering from ‪Parkinson‬‘s disease here is a news to bring smile on your face as a student has developed a glove that reduces Parkinson’s tremors by 80% A medical student has created a glove that helps patients with Parkinson’s disease maintain the firmness of their hands! The device, called […]

Now Translate Languages Effortlessly with This Tiny Earpiece

Technology is awesome — This tiny earpiece is an example! Technological advancements have enabled us, humans, to attain the privileges that otherwise are hard to gain; such as the ability to see while being completely blind or color blind, and hear the farthest of noises with exceptionally efficient new-age earpieces. However, with every such invention, […]

Prevent Neighbors from Stealing Your Bandwidth with This New Wi-Fi

System from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab enables single WiFi access point that can locate users within tens of centimeters. We all love it totally when we hear about new WiFi routers that offer extensive range and far-reaching signals. But the likeliness of our WiFi network reaching the premises of our neighbors’ home […]

Smart Davek Umbrella when Lost send Alerts to its owner

A New York based accessories company Davek claims to have made the “strongest, most high-quality umbrellas” and now it took to Kickstarter for introducing an unconventional and innovative new umbrella design. It is called Davek Alert Umbrella. The umbrella isn’t your regular rain shield but a smart gadget having above average strength with its zinc […]

John McAfee: My New Gadget Will Defeat NSA and Protect Users Privacy

John McAfee who is the founder of McAfee anti-virus has told that he will unveil a gadget that would enable internet users to protect their activities and privacy from spying eyes of the NSA. He has named the gadget as D-central and says that it will be devised with a cost of less than 100 […]