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game hacking

Social Media Hijacking Malware Spreading Through Gaming Apps on Microsoft Store

A new malware capable of controlling social media accounts is being distributed through Microsoft’s official app store in the form of trojanized gaming apps, infecting more than 5,000 Windows machines in Sweden, Bulgaria, Russia, Bermuda, and Spain. Israeli cybersecurity company Check Point dubbed the malware “Electron Bot,” in reference to a command-and-control (C2) domain used […]

New BloodyStealer Trojan Steals Gamers’ Epic Games and Steam Accounts

A new advanced trojan sold on Russian-speaking underground forums comes with capabilities to steal users’ accounts on popular online video game distribution services, including Steam, Epic Games Store, and EA Origin, underscoring a growing threat to the lucrative gaming market. Cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, which coined the malware “BloodyStealer,” said it first detected the malicious tool […]

Hacknet , a real Hacking game.

Developed by Team Fractal Alligator, an Australian one-man studio, Hacknet is “an immersive, terminal-based hacking simulator for PC.”   Here’s the official promotional trivial: Dive down a rabbit hoIe as you follow the instructions of a recently deceased hacker, whose death may not have been the accident the media reports. Using old school command prompts […]