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1 Million Decrypted Gmail and Yahoo Accounts Being Sold on Dark Web

A dark web marketplace is where one can buy all sorts of illegal stuff including drugs, fake id cards and weapons. Lately, these marketplaces have become the best place for hackers and cyber criminals to sell databases stolen from Internet giants. Yahoo accounts A vendor going by the handle of “SunTzu583” is selling millions of Gmail and […]

Was Your Google Account Unexpectedly Signed Out Today? Company Explains Why

Earlier today, Google account holders around the world faced an unexpected situation where they were asked to re-enter their login credentials to sign in. Naturally, users did so and they successfully got to access their accounts once again. However, suddenly there was a huge uproar that this might be a result of a phishing attack […]

Gmail’s Spam Filter Not Impenetrable For Hackers

Most of us today use Gmail as our primary email platform. It is indeed a very useful platform that is known for its efficiency and effectiveness. However, Gmail may not be as effective as we think it is. According to a recent research conducted by Renato Marinho at Morphus Labs, Gmail does not seem to spam emails that are […]

Gmail Phishing Scam Stealing Credentials Through Infected Attachment

Malicious threat actors are using exclusively designed URLs to deceive users into providing their Gmail credentials. This latest phishing campaign, discovered by security experts, utilizes a very effective phishing attack that can trick even the most alerted users and tech-savvy people. The campaign involves sending infected messages to the contacts from an already infected computer. […]

Beware : Highly Sophisticated Gmail Phishing Attack Targeting Many Gmail Users

A new highly effective phishing technique targeting Gmail and other services has been gaining popularity during the past year among attackers. Over the past few weeks there have been reports of experienced technical users being hit by this. This attack is currently being used to target Gmail customers and is also targeting other services. The way the attack works […]

Beware! This Is The Smartest Gmail Phishing Attack You’ll Ever Encounter

Short Bytes: Gmail phishing is one of most common methods used by hackers to compromise the online security of naive users. But, a recent Gmail phishing attack, uncovered by Wordfence, mimics your past conversations and attachments, succeeding in fooling even the tech-savvy netizens. To counter this attack, users should make sure to verify the https:// protocol and […]

Encrypt and password protect your Gmail message in a click

Email Encryption is the process of Encoding messages or information in such a way that only authorized parties can able to access it. In an encryption scheme, the intended information or message, referred to as plaintext, is encrypted using an encryption algorithm, generating ciphertext that can only be read if decrypted. Encryption make’s sure that your […]

Gooligan Attack on Android: Millions of Google Accounts Compromised

Android is undoubtedly one of the most vulnerable operating systems for smartphones with hackers developing new Android malware every 17 seconds. To prove the point researchers have exposed a malware campaign known as “Gooligan” that has been targeting Android users and so far has breached more than 1 million Google accounts of users around the […]

How To Protect Your Facebook/Gmail Accounts From Hackers 2016

A way to relaxed Your Facebook or Gmail  accounts From Hackers? Social Media is a tool in each unmarried man or woman’s hand to percentage his/her feeling and idea to the world. but in case your social media account will hacked? Then in which to move? a way to get better that account? And by […]

Hacker finds flaw in Gmail allowing anyone to hack any email account

Pakistani Student and a White Hat hacker Discovered a Vulnerability in Gmail’s Verification process that Allowed Hijacking of any email Account. It is a well-known fact that Google loves to give novice programmers, white hat hackers and security researchers an opportunity to prove their skills and capabilities by participating in Google’s Vulnerability Reward program. Also […]

Massive Data Breach Hits Russian Users of Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail

Massive Data Breach Hits Russian Users of Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail — Russian Hacker Steals 250 million Email Addresses and Passwords and Puts them On Sale This time, it is a massive data breach conducted successfully allegedly by Russian hackers. In the hack attack, around 250 million email addresses and passwords belonging to users of […]

Rearchers discover a way to hack Gmail and Facebook 500 times faster

Rupture framework used to upgrade three-year-old BREACH framework and hack Facebook and Gmail 500 times faster. Security researchers have expanded and improved a three-year-old cyber-attack that could steal information from websites such as Facebook and Gmail up to 500 times faster than previous attempts. The attack, known as BREACH (Browser Reconnaissance and Exfiltration via Adaptive Compression […]

Gmail to warn you if your friends aren’t using secure e-mail

Messages coming to or from non-encrypted sources will be flagged by Google. Google has confirmed a number of changes to Gmail with the arrival of two new features that will let you know if the people you’re corresponding with aren’t hip with TLS encryption. The alterations are fairly subtle: when you receive a message from, […]

AVG’s extension is flawed, Chrome users are at risk

On, there’s a free download available. It’s called Web TuneUp and it’s meant to guarantee a secure and safe browsing activity for every user. Including Chrome aficionados. But is it really? The website powerfully recites: be safe. Be in control. Free yourself of hidden threats and hackers. Yes, please – we would merrily chant. […]

Chinese Hackers Caught Spying on Taiwan Prior To Upcoming Elections

A group of Chinese hackers have targeted a Taiwanese news organizations and the opposition Democratic Progressive Party in order to get the information on upcoming presidential and legislative election like the policies and speeches from the leaders participating in the elections. This report is the second part of the one revealed by FireEye last week […]

Gmail to Alert Users Upon Receiving Unencrypted Messages

Google has decided to tighten up those loose strings that hinder their efforts to offer comprehensive protection to its users against internet attacks and phish campaigns. In this regard, Google has added a new feature to Gmail, which will notify you whenever an unencrypted email lands into your inbox. This new feature is aimed at […]

Samsung Smart Refrigerator Hacked, Left Gmail Login Credentials Vulnerable

Did you ever think that your refrigerator could be hacked? Welcome to the world of the Internet of Things (IoT) where our everyday items are being equipped with Internet connectivity. All of these technological advancements and smarter devices are supposed to make our life easier, but now it seems like these revolutionary devices are making […]

How To Self Destruct Email With Dmail

Admit it, you have wanted this for a long time. There must have been instances when you regretted sending an email with confidential information, or personal pictures, and hoped later that only if you could unsend it, or the message self-destructs itself. Gmail already comes with an in-built undo send option, but it has a time […]