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Godzilla hacker

Unofficial Website of Pakistan’s Intelligence Agency ISI Hacked by Indian Hacker

A hacker going with the handle of Godzilla has hacked an unofficial domain of Pakistan’s Intelligence Agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) (  The hacker who who claimed to hack into MSSQL server containing 3 databases, with 9 users and located at, which can be seen in below given screenshot.  The site index page clearly mentions that […]

Indian Hacker Claims to Leak Database of Pakistan Army and KSE Websites

An Indian Hacker who calls himself ‘Godzilla aka G.O.D’ has claimed to gain access of the front end of official website of Pakistan Army and the official website of Karachi Stock Exchange, yet it is unsure if the hacker really penetrated into the websites or not. Godzilla aka G.O.D left the database information published on PasteBin, which according […]