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Conflicting Reports Suggest Phineas Fisher (HackBack) Arrested in Spain

Spanish police have arrested three suspects for their alleged involvement in data breach against Catalan police Mossos D’Esquadra server in 2016. Germany-based malware developer/vendors FinFisher in 2014 and Italy-based Hacking Team back in 2015. Some reports suggest that among the arrested are the hacker “Phineas Fisher” aka “Hack Back!” and “@GammaGroupPR,” the online Robin Hood of […]

Anonymous Hacks, Defaces Bilderberg Group Website Against World Crisis

The online hacktivist group Anonymous along with their counterparts from HackBack movement have hacked and defaced the official website of The Bilderberg Group also known as Bilderberg Club, Bilderberg meetings and Bilderberg conference, an annual private conference of 120 to 150 people of the North American and European political elite, media personalities, industrial and finance giants […]