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Hacked Websites

Hackers Spreading JCry Ransomware that Infecting Windows users via Compromised Websites

Cyber criminals spreading new ransomware called Jcry which is written in Go language via #OpJerusalem2019 campaign that attack Windows users to encrypt the file and demand the ransom. #OpJerusalem2019 is recently launched a cyber attack against the Israeli Government and the private websites including Coca-Cola, ToysRUs, McDonald ’s. In result, An anonymous hacker group compromised […]

3000 Hacked Websites Access comes to Sale in Russian Underground Dark Web Marketplace

Cybercriminals listed 3000 Hacked websites access for sale in Russian based underground marketplace that sells for less than $50. The underground marketplace is the best area for criminals where they can sell and buy various malicious software and stolen data for a very cheapest price. This hacked website selling in Russian-speaking underground marketplace called MagBo where […]

Official Websites of Mitsubishi and Hyundai Motors Venezuela Defaced by Dr.SHA6H

Hacker going with the handle of Dr.SHA6H has hacked and defaced THE official websites of Mitsubishi & Hyundai motors designated for Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Both websites were left with defaces pages and pro Islamic messages and note against all the governments of the world. Hacked by Dr.SHA6H!!! I am a person against all the world’s government. Our motto: No […]