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Hacking WiFi

CoffeeMiner: Hacking WiFi to inject cryptocurrency miner to HTML requests

Some weeks ago I read about this Starbucks case where hackers hijacked laptops on the WiFi network to use the devices computing power to mine cryptocurrency, and I thought it might be interesting perform the attack in a different way. The goal of this article, is to explain how can be done the attack of MITM (Man(Person)-In-The-Middle) […]

Proof of Concept Code for WPA2 Krack Attack has been released

Security researchers have discovered several key management vulnerabilities in the core of Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) protocol that could allow an attacker to hack into your Wi-Fi network and eavesdrop on the Internet communications. WPA2 is a 13-year-old WiFi authentication scheme widely used to secure WiFi connections, but the standard has been compromised, impacting […]

Hacking WiFi – Selecting the best strategy

Not every hack will work under every circumstance, so choosing the right strategy is more likely to lead to success and less wasted hours and frustration. Here, I will lay out the strategies based upon the simplest and most effective first, through the most complex and difficult last. In general, this same continuum will apply […]