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HomeHack: How Hackers Could Have Taken Control of LG’s IoT Home Appliances

The second season of award-winning TV thriller Mr. Robotpremiered with a scene that sent shivers down the cybersecurity world’s spine. In uncomfortably realistic detail, hackers virtually broke into a smart home, turning the home-based IoT technology against its inhabitants. The TV and stereo started switching on and off randomly, the water temperature in the shower went […]

Security Flaw in LG IoT Software Left Home Appliances Vulnerable

LG has updated its software after security researchers spotted a flaw that allowed them to gain control of devices like refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, and even access the live feed from a robot vacuum cleaner. The vulnerability, dubbed HomeHack, potentially affects millions of LG SmartThinQ home appliances. It was uncovered by researchers at Check Point, who […]