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Homeland Security

5 Homeland Security Technologies That Might Be Commercialized

The federal government spends an upwards of $1 billion each year on unclassified cybersecurity research.  This fuel a part of Homeland Security technology research and results in the development of new software programs that helps thwart new age cyberthreats. These are not top-secret research projects that are too sensitive to declassify. In fact, the government […]

Cryptoneat: The Company Behind KickassTorrents Vanishes From The Internet

Short Bytes: Cryptoneat is a company that is supposed to be the force behind the defunct KickassTorrents. A report by TF concludes that Cryptoneat is slowly reducing its web presence and moving away from the reach of search engines and the general public. The last couple of months witnessed the dramatic wipeout of KickassTorrents from the […]

Audit shows Department of Homeland Security 6 billion U.S. Dollar firewall not so effective against hackers

A multi-billion U.S. Dollar firewall run by the Department of Homeland Security meant to detect and prevent nation-state hacks against the government functions ineffectively, according to a sanitized version of a secret federal audit. The National Cybersecurity Protection System (NCPS), also known as EINSTEIN, is a firewall run by the Department of Homeland Security. It’s goal: […]

Homeland Security Credit Cards Used to Buy Starbucks Coffee worth $30,000

Starbucks coffee may be delicious for many but delicious enough to waste thousands of dollars in taxpayer money?  The Inspector generals office of the Department of Homeland security said in its audit report that someone either hacked or stole the department’s credit cards and used them to purchase coffee from Starbucks. [must url=””]Researcher claims Starbucks mobile […]

Dept of Homeland Security to Open Cyber Security Office in Silicon Valley

According to U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Mr. Jeh Johnson, the department will be opening a Cybersecurity related Satellite office in Silicon Valley. Jeh Johnson was addressing at the world’s largest cyber RSA security conference where he announced the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) plan to open an office in the Silicon Valley. It’s also pushing back […]