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Multiple hospitals in the US and Australia shut down operations due to ransomware attack

Ransomware incidents attacking critical infrastructure in various countries keep happening. This time, IT system audit specialists report that a series of attacks have disrupted operations at multiple hospitals in Australia and the US, affecting hundreds of patients who require special care and surgical interventions in which technological infrastructure plays a key role. Through a statement, […]

Philips ultrasound system is easily hackable; now criminals can modify your ultrasound scans

The US Department of Homeland Security (NHS) has launched an information security alert related to some medical solutions developed by the tech companies Philips and McKesson, technology sold by Change Healthcare. The alert is related to a critical vulnerability in a cardiovascular analysis system that allows cardiologists to collect data from multiple sources for each […]

Why are hackers interested in people’s medical history?

A few days ago, information security specialists reported a massive data breach in American Medical Collections Agency (AMCA) that affected nearly 20 million patients in U.S. clinical companies; according to experts, records of credit cards and stolen clinical details may be sold for negligible amounts (less than $50 USD).  What is the reason for the […]

Defiance in Securing Connected Hospitals

In past researches, information security training experts examined internet-connected medical-related devices and systems such as databases, hospital admin consoles, and medical devices. The professionals also looked into the supply chain, which has been an attack vector that is often overlooked. Based on research into cyberthreats against hospitals, they have identified three broad areas of interest that are […]

Cyber Criminals using Locky Ransomware against Healthcare Industry

Researchers have found Locky Ransomware being used against healthcare industry in the United States — It’s time for the cyber security firms to come up with proper security measures!  Medical centers and hospitals in the United States have become lucrative targets for malicious actors and scammers. In the latest of these scam campaigns to be identified […]

That time a patient’s heart procedure was interrupted by a virus scan

Securing computers has never been easy. It’s especially hard in hospitals. A heart patient undergoing a medical procedure earlier this year was put at risk when misconfigured antivirus software caused a crucial lab device to hang and require a reboot before doctors could continue. The incident, described in an alert issued by the Food and Drug Administration, […]