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Double-click me not: Malicious proxy settings in OLE Embedded Script

Attackers have been using social engineering to avoid the increasing costs of exploitation due to the significant hardening and exploit mitigations investments in Windows. Tricking a user into running a malicious file or malware can be cheaper for an attacker than building an exploit which works on Windows 10. In our previous blog, Where’s the […]

HTTPS and OpenVPN face new attack that can decrypt secret cookies

More than 600 sites found to be vulnerable to demanding exploit called Sweet32. Researchers have devised a new attack that can decrypt secret session cookies from about 1 percent of the Internet’s HTTPS traffic and could affect about 600 of the Internet’s most visited sites, including,,, and The attack isn’t particularly easy […]

Google Enchances Its Security By Enabling HSTS Encryption For

Short Bytes: Google had revealed its latest intentions to enhance encryption level of its domains. The same will be done by enabling HSTS encryption across various products preventing users from being redirected to unsafe links wrapped in the secure shell of HTTPS protocol. Google is quite resolute to make the web safer you. A new […]

“Forbidden attack” makes dozens of HTTPS Visa sites vulnerable to tampering

Researchers say 70,000 servers belonging to others also at risk. Dozens of HTTPS-protected websites belonging to financial services giant Visa are vulnerable to attacks that allow hackers to inject malicious code and forged content into the browsers of visitors, an international team of researchers has found. In all, 184 servers—some belonging to German stock exchange Deutsche […]

As sites move to SHA2 encryption, millions face HTTPS lock-out

“We’re about to leave a whole chunk of the internet in the past,” as millions of people remain dependent on old, insecure, but widely-used encryption. In 2016, tens of millions of people around the world will face trouble accessing some of the most common encrypted websites like Facebook, Google and Gmail, Twitter, and Microsoft sites. […]

New Firefox Features Will Only Support Secure Websites

In a recent blog post, Mozilla has showed its intent to phase out the non-secure websites i.e. the HTTP. Earlier this week, Mozilla announced its plan to favor the websites who have HTTPS enabled. If this happens, the web will be divided in two parts: the HTTPS websites with full functionality and the other HTTP […]